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34 St. Michaels Park, Kingsdown, Bristol, Avon, BS2 8BW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are eager to see staff when they arrive and are greeted warmly.
Staff show genuine pleasure in seeing the children and chat with them happily. Caring support helps new babies settle in very well. Staff sensitively provide for babies' care needs and gently sing them to sleep.
Parents say that staff have bonded very well with the children. They say that it is a delight dropping their children off in the morning, knowing that children will have so much fun and be so well cared for.The nursery curriculum is well planned and ensures children make good progress.
Children of all ages have positive attitudes ...to learning. Babies test out their ideas confidently. Staff thoughtfully adapt the environment so that babies can explore their current fascinations, such as transporting sand between two trays.
Staff skilfully link planned experiences for the older children, reinforcing concepts. They develop children's interest in travel and transport. Staff take children on trips to the local train station.
Parents are also welcomed in to share their useful knowledge, such as to discuss bridge design and construction. This inspires and motivates children very effectively. Children readily follow their creative ideas, spontaneously constructing bridges with blocks.
They study photos and pay attention to details, showing confident, strong skills.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The new manager has reviewed all aspects of practice since taking over last year. She works closely with the deputy manager, committee and trustees, implementing their clear action plans.
Staff's morale is high, and they feel valued and listened to. Staff's support and professional development are integral to the new management's practice.Staff observe children as they play, tracking their achievements closely.
They know children well and focus on their individual learning needs. Staff working with the youngest ages are currently reviewing their planning, making it more flexible to babies' and young children's needs. Staff are sharing their knowledge from recent training to adapt their processes suitably.
There is a calm atmosphere across the nursery. Children show respect for staff and learn to play with each other and share toys. Children in the Toddler Room and the Cub Room benefit from the staff's use of visual cues and sessions focused on coloured 'emotion monsters'.
Children relate to this well and it helps them to understand and label their feelings and manage their emotions.Relationships with parents are strong. Parents are well informed about their child's time at the nursery.
They relish the opportunity to share their children's nursery experience during the regular stay-and-play sessions. Staff also link with other settings the children attend, helping to provide a consistent approach and to close gaps in children's learning.Managers and staff have an inclusive attitude to the different families that attend the nursery.
Parents praise the varied nutritious menu that offers children a wealth of interesting international meals. Staff beneficially teach children about different religions and cultures. However, not all staff focus as closely as possible on children's home languages, linking to these to help them develop children's confidence and communication as much as possible.
Children develop their independence and sense of responsibility well. They serve themselves food at lunchtime and carefully carry their plate to the table. They conscientiously clear away their things, scraping their leftovers into the bin.
Children's health is supported effectively. Staff ensure children's dietary requirements are adhered to and children are provided with healthy meals and drinks. Children enjoy being active in the fresh air.
They are busy outside. They mix items at the play kitchen, use the climbing equipment and ride-on toys and develop their skills well.Staff work to build children's communication.
They use books and stories to engage young children. Staff model speech so children hear the correct pronunciations. Older children confidently hold more complex conversations and have good vocabulary.
Staff lead beneficial group sessions. Younger children are keen to hold hands and sing their group song with their friends, even before their circle time has started. Staff use the pre-school children's favourite characters to engage them all effectively at group time.
However, some staff do not adapt their teaching to those involved in an activity, making sure all the children can get the most out of the learning opportunities available.The security and safety of the children are focused on strongly. Managers ensure they review the implementation of procedures and put in place revised arrangements, for example to ensure door security is followed robustly.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the focus on children's home languages, linking to these to help develop children's confidence and communication as much as possible help staff adapt their teaching, making sure they support all children to get the most out of the learning opportunities available in activities.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.