Buttercups Early Years Centre

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About Buttercups Early Years Centre

Name Buttercups Early Years Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Bursledon Village Hall, Long Lane, Bursledon, Southampton, SO31 8BZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children very clearly demonstrate they feel safe in the staff's warm care.

They confidently separate from their parents and carers in the morning and eagerly enter the setting. Children show they know the high expectations staff have for them. They put away their belongings, for instance, and listen attentively to instructions, responding immediately when asked to stop.

Children show exceptionally positive attitudes to their learning. Older children very confidently help teach the younger children. For instance, they tell children where the boundaries are for running as they make their way to the forest-school site..../>
Children model how to use tools in the water tray to the newer children at the setting. Children are very interested and self-motivated learners. Children's behaviour is exemplary.

They show they are developing resilience as they keep on trying; even with tasks they find hard. Children take clear pride in their successes. For instance, they beam with delight as they find and peg their names up.

Children's confidence in the setting and at the forest school is superb. For example, they climb and balance as they fearlessly move along logs. They clearly tell the inspector not to go past the red ribbon in the woods as it is not safe.

Children demonstrate an excellent understanding of rules and boundaries in relation to their age and stage of development.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff understand how to support children's learning through a diverse range of opportunities and experiences. Children enjoy time at the setting, exploring the visually stimulating and well thought-out resources the staff provide.

Children also benefit from taking part in daily forest-school sessions. Staff encourage and support children's learning indoors and outdoors effectively.Staff support children's developing language skills well.

For example, they use opportunities to introduce children to new words, such as the 'squelch' of mud on the path. They clearly explain what new words and concepts are to children. Staff make good use of signs and gestures to support children's understanding.

This supports their developing communication skills effectively.Children develop a good range of physical skills. For example, they experiment confidently, finding new ways to move along paths, such as side stepping around the mud on paths.

They are extremely motivated and physically competent movers.Children learn about the local community as they walk to the forest-school site each day. They learn about road safety.

For instance, as they stop to look and listen for moving cars. Children take notice of changes, similarities and differences. They are very curious and exceptionally eager to explore the wider world, with the security of the staff close by.

Staff support children to learn about mathematical skills as they play. Children look at numbers on road signs and count the church bells they can hear ringing in the distance. Staff, at times, however, do not consistently support children's learning to the very highest levels.

For example, they occasionally interrupt children's play and step in to problem-solve before children have the chance to think for themselves.Staff build positive partnerships with local schools. They seek and consider constructive feedback from teachers to help them plan their curriculum.

This helps staff ensure children are developing the skills they need to move on to the next stage in their education.Additional funding is thoughtfully used to support all children to have the same experiences and opportunities. Staff have sought timely professional support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff build effective relationships with external professionals. This allows excellent sharing of information, helping staff and parents to maintain high levels of consistency for children's care and learning.The manager places a strong emphasis supporting staff well-being.

Staff are highly valued and report they feel are well supported to develop professionally.Parents comment very positively about the care and support staff provide to their children at the setting. Parents say they really enjoy the 'daily blog' the staff send with photographs to show what their children do and achieve.

This helps them feel involved and informed about their children's learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their responsibility to keep children safe at all times.

They know what signs and symptoms may be indicators of abuse for children. Staff know the procedures to follow to report any concerns they have about children's welfare. The manager ensures all staff regularly refresh their knowledge of child protection and wider safeguarding issues.

The manager follows a robust recruitment procedure to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff deploy themselves effectively to supervise children closely and keep them safe, especially when at forest school.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to raise the quality of their interactions and teaching to the highest levels, such as by encouraging children to consistently problem-solve for themselves.

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