CHIPS Bishops Stortford Playschemes

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About CHIPS Bishops Stortford Playschemes

Name CHIPS Bishops Stortford Playschemes
Ofsted Inspections
Address Scout Hut, Footpath to Birchanger Wood, Off Heath Row, Bishop’s Stortford, CM23 5DH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children demonstrate good attitudes. They are respectful and say please and thank you to each other and staff.

Staff are positive role models. They join in children's play and engage in activities and discussions. Staff praise children for listening and following instructions.

Children enjoy playing outside in the fresh air, where they take part in lots of physical play. They play on the bicycles and concentrate as they aim and hit the 'Swingball'. Children construct their own dens and safe places.

They choose the resources they want and transport them to their desired location. Staff skilfully direct children..., ensuring that their den is constructed in a safe place that does not cause an obstruction or risk.Children settle quickly and they are familiar with routines and staff.

Staff promote children's independence and encourage them to take responsibility for small tasks. Staff give children choices of where and what they would like to play with. Children enjoy lots of stimulating activities that challenge them to think and problem solve to achieve their desired result.

For example, children build complex marble runs and carefully follow the marble as it makes its descent.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are very happy and show they feel safe during their time at the club. They enjoy a range of interesting activities, such as table hockey, construction, arts and crafts, and sit with staff and volunteers as they read stories.

Children engage with each other, communicating and responding appropriately during play.Staff sensitively support children's emotional development and encourage them to express themselves appropriately. They adapt their approach based on the needs of the children.

They involve older siblings and encourage them to be volunteers and helpers. This gives them a true sense of belonging and purpose, and promotes their well-being.Staff and volunteers are caring and kind.

Most staff manage the children's behaviour well. They communicate with children respectfully and sensitively. They give children responsibilities and make them feel valued.

However, there are occasions where staff do not consistently address unwanted behaviour, which results in conflicts occurring.Children have opportunities to be creative and express themselves. For example, staff give them time to finish their activities at snack time.

Staff and volunteers are patient and reassuring. They enable children to feel secure in the knowledge that their activity will be safe until they return.Staff and volunteers say they are well supported by leaders and feel valued.

Leaders rotate staff throughout the session to ensure that staff's well-being is maintained. Leaders follow robust recruitment and induction processes to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Continuous monitoring by leaders ensures they understand their role and responsibilities.

Leaders evaluate their practice to promote continuous improvement. They reflect on the provision they offer to ensure it meets the needs of the children who attend. Staff and volunteers discuss the children's needs and health conditions to ensure that the most appropriately skilled staff are allocated to the right children to successfully meet their needs.

Leaders and staff have an excellent knowledge of special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff attend specific training to support the children in their care. Staff adapt their approach according to the needs and ability of the children.

Staff promote children's language development well. They extend children's language when having discussions. For example, when discussing trips and holidays, staff explain that collecting souvenirs is often referred to as 'memorabilia'.

Children who are less verbal use pictorial cards and symbols to communicate.Leaders and staff support new children to settle. They adapt their settling-in process to suit the individual children.

Staff play alongside children, skilfully and gently commenting on what they are doing. This helps children to settle quickly and feel safe and secure.Partnerships with parents are strong.

Leaders have accurate records of the children and their abilities. Parents state how grateful they are to have the club and how invaluable it is to them. They state that the staff are caring, kind and knowledgeable.

They appreciate the activities offered and feel that their children are safe.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a strong understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children.

They complete regular training to ensure that their knowledge is up to date. Staff are able to recognise the possible signs of abuse and neglect. They are aware of wider safeguarding issues, such as the risk of exposure to extreme views and behaviour.

The club has policies in place to follow should they need to raise concerns regarding children's welfare to other agencies. Leaders have a central system in place to record staff suitability to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to consistently reinforce the rules and boundaries of the club.

Also at this postcode
Bishop’s Stortford Mencap - Cottage Kids Club

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