CM Sports Holiday Camp

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About CM Sports Holiday Camp

Name CM Sports Holiday Camp
Address Fareham Academy, St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enjoy their time at CM Sports Holiday Camp. They excitedly greet staff and their friends as they arrive. Children play with balloons which staff challenge them not to let fall on the floor.

Children laugh as they try and achieve this goal. They confidently invite the inspector to join in their play, telling her how and when to hit the balloons to keep them afloat. Children show pride as they manage to keep the balloons up in the air and clearly value the praise that the staff offer.

Children listen attentively to instructions. They know the rules and boundaries of the camp and positively follow them expected. Children are excited to join in with games that the staff lead.

They enthusiastically play familiar games, such as 'Duck, duck, goose', and take part in newer games, such as 'popcorn'. Children work well together in teams, communicating effectively as they play games. They are motivated and eager to join in.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The owner has a clear vision for the camp to give children lasting and positive memories of fun activities, supported by friendly and enthusiastic staff. Staff share the owner's vision and are engaging. Children clearly enjoy spending their time with staff as they laugh and play games together.

The owner supports staff to progress and take on more responsibility at the camp. This includes training and mentoring for staff. This helps their professional development, inspiring them to improve their skills, knowledge and practice.

This has a positive impact on the quality of care and experiences the children receive.The staff know the children they care for well and are sensitive to their individual needs. They understand when children may need additional support and encouragement to join in.

Staff quietly offer support to help children make the most of their time at the camp. They recognise when children's emotions change and are quick to offer support. For example, arrangements are made for siblings to join together in groups.

Children enjoy taking part in fast paced, physically active games with their friends. They run, play tag and throw balls, practising their physical skills. Staff understand the needs of the younger children well.

For example, they encourage short bursts of activity and rest, which they plan into their daily routine. Children have the opportunity to have their say and plan what to do. They request to play their favourite games after lunch and try new activities.

Staff are positive role models for children. For example, they support children to use good manners, share resources and take turns. Any unwanted behaviour is very swiftly turned around by calm staff who take the time to talk to children and understand their feelings.

Children quickly re-join their friends and behave well.Staff help children to develop positive attitudes about food and exercise. They play games to help to support children's understanding of healthy choices, such as what to eat for their snacks.

Staff work effectively in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that children and families are happy. Staff collect information about children, such as what they like to do and play with, to support them at the camp. Staff form partnerships with external agencies to support children and their families in the local area.

The camp successfully supports children to develop good social skills and provides plenty of opportunities for children to be physically active.Staff are invited to get involved with planning changes and improvements to the camp. Daily reflections help all staff to evaluate what works well and what could be developed further.

Staff swiftly act on feedback and advice shared by external professionals to help with ongoing improvements to the camp.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding is part of everyday practice for staff at the camp.

All staff understand their role to promote children's welfare at all times. Staff know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about other members of staff or children's well-being. The owner follows safe recruitment procedures.

He ensures robust checks are in place to make sure staff are suitable to work with children. Thorough risk assessments help staff to identify hazards and minimise the risks to children. Children clearly feel safe and secure in the staff's attentive care.

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