Camp Beaumont - Greenfield

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About Camp Beaumont - Greenfield

Name Camp Beaumont - Greenfield
Address Greenfield School, Old Woking Road, Woking, GU22 8HY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Children's well-being and safety are not fully assured during some parts of the day. This is because staff are not deployed effectively during snack and lunchtimes to supervise children closely while they are eating.

Furthermore, staff do not consider ways to promote healthy eating or ensure children drink water regularly, including after physical activity. However, children generally enjoy the activities provided and have fun. The camp manager regularly supports and provides effective practice with the children.

She gains children's attention well and engages them purposefully. However, sometimes, routines are not... managed well enough and this sometimes means children's behaviour deteriorates. Not all staff consistently manage children's behaviour in an age-appropriate way.

During planned activities, staff are enthusiastic and encouraging to children. This helps children to become involved and engage well at these times. The activities help to support children's continued learning from their main setting.

This was observed during the inspection, when children listened to and followed some simple instructions and enjoyed stories. They also developed their large physical skills, including balance and coordination. Children took part in many physical activities indoors on the day of the inspection, which encouraged them to be active.

Children follow appropriate good hygiene routines, such as washing their hands before eating.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are not always deployed effectively at key times of the day, such as snack and mealtimes, to ensure children are within sight and hearing of them while eating. This compromises children's safety.

Although children are asked to bring water bottles, staff are sometimes not alert to children staying hydrated. They do not ensure children have regular drinks, such as after being physically active or during snack and mealtimes. This does not promote children's well-being.

Staff ensure hygiene routines are followed consistently.The manager, when present in a room, engages with children effectively and manages their behaviour in a positive way. She guides staff effectively in their work.

This includes suggesting activities that may help calm children down. However, there are gaps in some staff's practice and understanding, such as using age-appropriate strategies to manage children's behaviour. For example, at times, some staff instruct children without explanation or expect them to do things they do not fully understand.

Nonetheless, all staff give children plenty of praise and encouragement, which helps to support their confidence well.Staff receive training and guidance to support them in their roles and responsibilities. On occasion, some staff have not always followed their training.

For example, staff have occasionally not considered their response to accidents and incidents. This includes accurate record-keeping. Senior leaders and the manager complete audits and observations of staff to help monitor practice.

They give feedback to staff to help develop the quality of the camp. However, despite this, there are some weaknesses relating to areas of staff practice.Children are offered a range of activities and appropriate free-play resources, including construction bricks and role-play resources.

They mostly enjoy their play and activities and have fun. For example, children enjoyed creating their own choice of pictures using different materials and tools, such as paper, stickers, glue and scissors. Children show they are proud of what they have made and staff admire their creations.

Staff support children's involvement with an enthusiastic approach. This helps children who are reluctant to engage and enjoy the activities. Staff demonstrate to children in a fun way how to complete planned activities.

For instance, staff showed children how to walk along the rope line, pretending to wobble and holding out their arms. They added more resources during the activity to extend the challenges to children. For instance, children walked along a balancing beam, crawled under equipment and gained skills in throwing bean bags into hoops.

Staff helped children recall what to do, such as to put their arms out when balancing.Parents and children are greeted by staff on arrival. There is relevant information made available to parents, including information about daily activities.

Parents are invited to provide feedback about the camp, such as through completing regular surveys. This helps senior leaders consider future improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

Weaknesses in some aspects of staff's practice means children's safety and well-being may not be assured. The designated safeguarding lead and other staff have an appropriate knowledge of recognising indicators of concern about children or other staff. They have a suitable understanding of how to manage concerns should they arise.

Staff have access to relevant information, such as external agencies to contact. The premises are secure. There are established arrangements for parents and staff to safely manage children's arrival and collection times.

Staff provide appropriate guidance to children about how to stay safe during planned activities. They do regular headcounts and check the register to promote children's safety, such as when moving around the premises.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure staff are deployed effectively to supervise children and are in sight and hearing of them at all times when eating 10/11/2023 ensure drinking water is accessible to children at all times 10/11/2023 ensure staff receive support, so that they know their roles and responsibilities securely, including managing children's behaviour in a suitable way and responding appropriately to accidents and incidents.


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