Canopy Children’s Nursery

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About Canopy Children’s Nursery

Name Canopy Children’s Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 1 Walters Walk, Wembley, HA9 0LZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders provide a safe and supportive nursery, as they recognise the needs of children and their families in the surrounding area. Children in the nursery predominately speak English as an additional language and leaders have constructed a curriculum which meets their developmental needs. Staff use strategies to develop language and build on children's understanding, such as signs and visual resources, books and songs.

Children and staff talk about their play, which helps to extend on social skills while building vocabulary. Staff work closely with parents and other professionals to ensure that additional support is in place wh...ile children with special educational needs and/or disabilities wait for specialist services. This helps children to reach their full potential.

From the beginning, staff know the importance of working in partnership to build strong relationships with children. Staff learn about children's interests as they engage with parents daily. Children are happy and confident to express their chosen activity.

Staff sing to children to settle them into the nursery and when they are preparing for the next part of the daily routine. Children's behaviour is excellent. They listen to staff and follow instructions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have an ambitious vision of what they intend children to learn and they are clear on how this fits with their development. They reflect on the provision and make positive changes with children's voice in mind. For example, leaders have changed the sleeping arrangements for babies to reflect a home-from-home environment.

This helps children to feel safe and secure in the nursery, which builds a good foundation for children's learning.Leaders know the importance of children being able to express their feelings and this is part of the curriculum intent. However, staff do not consistently help children to use words to describe how they are feeling to help them identity their own emotions or how others may feel.

Leaders and staff include children's home languages in everyday activities. They talk with families to learn words that they can use in the nursery. Staff use signs and gestures alongside words to help children understand and interact with others.

Children are gaining confidence in talking.Most staff model language and introduce children to new vocabulary. However, some staff do not always tell children what is happening next in routine or when moving children from one area to another.

Children appear confused, which does not help to strengthen their understanding.Children have a positive attitude towards learning and are keen to explore the wide range of activities set out for them. Staff provide role-play areas that encourage children to engage in imaginary play and develop physical skills.

For example, babies practise their self-care skills while dressing up with hats and outfits and toddlers pretend to make cake with a range of tools using natural resources.Children have opportunities to be independent. They are learning to pour their own drinks and lay the table at mealtimes.

This helps to promote children's confidence and self-esteem.Leaders and staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. In particular, they intend children to learn social skills to support them in their next stage of learning.

Staff support children individually to take turns and to sit together for group activities. For example, they use a range of animated voices as they engage children in stories. This helps to develop children's listening and attention skills in preparation for school.

Leaders follow safer recruitment procedures. Staff share they receive an induction so that they understand their roles and responsibilities, particularly in keeping children safe. Leaders support staff to develop skills through courses and training.

Staff say that they feel well supported and value the continuous professional development they receive.Partnership with parents is good. Staff regularly share information at handover times about what children have done that day.

Parents feel that their children are making good progress, especially in their speech and language development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders ensure all staff are secure in the nursery's safeguarding procedures.

Staff have a clear understanding of their duty to keep children safe. They know how to report any concerns about children to the local authority. Additionally, all staff have lanyards with information to support them to report a concern if needed.

Leaders follow safer recruitment procedures to ensure that all staff have the required checks in place. They carry out ongoing suitability checks to ensure that staff continue to be suitable to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff knowledge of how to help children to understand and express their feelings support staff to explain to children what is happening next to fully support their understanding.

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