Carousel Nursery

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About Carousel Nursery

Name Carousel Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Old Blues Rugby Football Club, Arthur Road, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 6LX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff promote an inclusive approach. They teach children about what makes them unique, in a fun and age-appropriate manner.

For example, staff talk to children about their physical similarities and differences from each other. Children respond well to this and share their positive views of themselves. Staff sing with the children as part of their daily routines.

This has a positive impact on children's motivational levels, and their joyful singing can be heard throughout the nursery. Children are happy to sing Christmas carols and join in with the action songs. This practice helps to develop children's communication an...d listening skills.

Staff are vigilant in their supervision of children to help keep them safe. For example, during outdoor play, they ensure that children are always within their sight and hearing to minimise accidents. Staff encourage children to test and practise their gross motor skills, such as by running and hopping.

Indoors, they play with the children and explore toy trains and dinosaurs, which add to their enjoyment. Staff engage children in conversation about the effects of food and water on their bodies. They ask children interesting questions, such as the importance of drinking water regularly.

Children respond to this with enthusiasm and say to 'keep ourselves hydrated'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The well-qualified management team continues to provide children with high-quality care and education. They have sound expectations for all the children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

For example, the management team expects children of all ages to behave in a kind and responsible manner.Parent partnerships are a key strength of this nursery. Parents speak highly of the nursery staff.

They find that staff have created a 'warm and nurturing' environment, which benefits their children's emotional well-being effectively. Parents praise the good communication with staff that keeps them fully informed about their children's learning. The strong partnership between parents and staff helps to provide continuity for children.

Staff are very good at teaching children about the importance of healthy lifestyles. They explain to children the impact that food can have on their bodies and the benefits of regular exercise. This gives children the confidence to talk about foods that are good and not so good for them.

In addition, staff provide children with nutritious meals and snacks and encourage them to wash their hands before handling food. These good practices contribute to keeping children well and healthy.Staff observe and assess children's learning accurately.

They are proactive in making prompt referrals to agencies, where necessary, to help children to make notable progress from their starting points. For example, children who speak English as an additional language are beginning to engage in conversation and use a wider range of vocabulary to express themselves.Staff are good at promoting children's growing independence skills.

They encourage children to serve their own food and feed themselves at mealtimes. Staff also give children opportunities to dress themselves for outdoor play. They teach children the skills they need for their future education.

The management team supports staff well. Staff agree that they receive good levels of supervision and have opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills. For instance, following training, they have learned new strategies to help to manage children who display challenging behaviour even more effectively.

This has had a significant impact on children's personal development. However, the management team acknowledges that sometimes, such as during activities, staff do not expand children's mathematical knowledge as effectively as possible.The management team has a clear understanding of their strengths and areas for development.

They evaluate the provision well and gain views from parents, staff and children to help make positive changes. For example, following the COVID-19 pandemic, the management team has reviewed the layout of the nursery to prioritise children's enjoyment during play. They have identified that they would like to develop the outdoor resources to better support children who prefer to play in the natural environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team follows rigorous procedures for safer recruitment. New staff are vetted thoroughly to assess their suitability to work with children.

The management team checks the premises rigorously to help to identify potential hazards inside and outside. Recently, they have banned the use of smart watches to avoid compromising children's welfare. The management team offers staff safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date.

Staff are alert to signs that may indicate that a child is at risk, including if they are being exposed to extremism. They know how to report any concerns to relevant agencies to safeguard children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop further how children are supported to enhance their mathematical skills.

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