Chapel Break OSC CIC

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About Chapel Break OSC CIC

Name Chapel Break OSC CIC
Address Chapelbreak Village Hall, Bowthorpe, Norwich, NR5 9LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy, sociable and clearly enjoy their time at the club.

They show good levels of independence and are able to choose what they want to do from a selection of well-labelled resources and activities within the room. Staff incorporate children's requests and interests into planning activities, which helps children to remain engaged and motivated by what is offered. Children develop good imagination skills.

They are very creative and thoroughly enjoy making things from a variety of materials.Children show that they feel safe at the club. They have positive relationships with staff and each other, which helps to their emotional well-being.

Children are comfortable to approach staff with their wants and needs. They confidently talk to visitors to the setting and are keen to invite them to share in their play experiences. Children generally behave well and enjoy each other's company.

The outdoor space is available throughout the sessions and children clearly relish being outside in the fresh air. They are physically active and enjoy running around and throwing, catching and kicking balls. Children are familiar with the daily routines.

They listen well to staff and follow instructions when required. Children follow good hygiene routines. They enjoy sociable lunchtimes at the holiday club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers have addressed the issues identified in the previous inspection. They have a good overview of the club and are dedicated to ensuring that it delivers a good-quality service to parents and children.Staff complete daily checks to ensure that all areas children use are safe and the premises are secure.

They work well together. Staff are vigilant in their supervision of children and are in constant communication to help children stay safe.Leaders and managers work closely with staff.

They hold regular meetings and provide feedback to staff about how they can continually develop their practice. Staff share that they enjoy working at the club. They comment that leaders and managers support them with their well-being.

Staff provide children with a broad range of nutritious snacks and healthy meals. They collect essential information from parents about the children, such as allergies or medical needs, to promote children's health and safety. Staff manage any accidents that occur very effectively, recording the relevant information and informing parents and carers appropriately.

Staff get to know the children well. They allocate younger children a key person who takes responsibility for the children's experiences. Staff have implemented a buddy system so that a member of staff is always available to support younger children.

Staff build effective partnerships with parents. They share daily information with them about the experiences children have had in the club.Children speak very positively about the staff and the club and comment on the different activities that they enjoy, such as arts and crafts and being outside.

Staff are enthusiastic and encouraging in their approach. They are good role models, setting clear expectations. Staff take the time to praise children for their efforts.

This helps to boost children's confidence and self-esteem.Children develop their communication, language and social skills as they join in conversations with staff and share information. Staff ask children questions and listen well to their responses.

Children enjoy talking to staff about their experiences outside of the club.Staff have developed good partnership working with the adjacent school that many children at the club attend. However, they have not yet achieved highly successful partnership working with other schools children attend, to complement all children's care and learning fully.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and managers ensure that all staff are suitable for their roles and have procedures in place to check staff's ongoing suitability. Staff have a secure understanding of their role to protect children from harm.

They know the possible signs of abuse and neglect and understand the wider issues surrounding child protection. Leaders and managers ensure that all staff complete safeguarding training and keep up to date with local child protection procedures. Posters are displayed around the building to remind staff who to contact should they have a concern about children's welfare.

Also at this postcode
Chapelbreak Pre-School

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