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About Cherry Tree Nursery & Kids Club Barrington Road
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive happy and excited at this warm and welcoming nursery. They are safe and secure. Children separate from their parents and settle down to inspiring activities.
For instance, they mix real and pretend ingredients to try and make pancakes. Children talk about the smell of lemon and the texture of the mixture when they add water and flour. From a young age children develop good communication and language skills.
In addition, they are learning about cause and effect. Staff support children to develop their literacy skills. For example, children enjoy finding their names on their book bags.
Children m...ake choices from a range of resources. They confidently ask to change puzzles once they have finished them. Children are active learners and take great delight in exploring new concepts.
For instance, they use different tools to explore large blocks of ice melting. They hammer the ice and use pipettes to gather water and fill containers. Young children share, take turns and cooperate during play.
They politely say please and thank you. Older children learn to observe how their behaviour impacts others. They confidently express their feelings and comfort others when they feel upset.
Children behave well. They are kind and caring.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff use their observations to identify any additional needs children may have.
The special educational needs coordinator works closely with parents and professionals to ensure that children receive the support they need. Staff skilfully use different methods to support children. Children's behaviour is good.
For example, staff use picture timetables of routines and activities to help children make choices about what they want to do and what comes next.Parents are complimentary about the nursery. They comment on the wide range of activities their children participate in and appreciate the opportunity to share ideas.
Parents are supported to extend children's learning at home. For instance, children choose from a selection of books to take home and read. However, staff do not maximise learning opportunities during this regular routine.
The book changing area becomes too busy and children cannot take the time to view and consider the book they would like to choose.Highly motivated staff follow children's interests to help improve their outcomes. All children, including those who receive funding and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress from their starting points.
The ambitious manager supports staff to build on their skills and understanding to develop their practice. Staff comment that they feel supported well. The team work together to consider areas for improvement, such as the outdoor area.
For instance, developing a natural growing area in the garden to encourage children to study bees and bugs. Areas have been divided to provide space for children to develop their physical skills on large equipment and bikes.Children develop a good understanding of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
For instance, staff talk to children about the contents of their lunch box. They find creative ways to reinforce good habits. For example, children identify different healthy foods from the flash cards.
They follow good hygiene routines, such as brushing their teeth.The manager provides a high-quality curriculum, which encourages children to use all their senses in the nursery and when they are at home. For instance, children arrive excitedly, describing what they see.
They say, ' I saw purple and yellow flowers when I was walking to nursery'. Young children talk about which animals 'hibernate'. Older children look at the globe to see where animals 'migrate' to.
Children develop their vocabulary and a good understanding of the wider world. However, staff do not always give children time to think and respond to questions.Children develop their independence skills.
They concentrate and learn how to use equipment safely. For instance, older children use the scissors to cut their artwork. Young children are supported to cut fruit with knives.
Children have a good understanding of how to keep safe.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe.
They complete child protection training and regularly update their safeguarding knowledge. They are confident to describe the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child could be at risk of harm, including the signs of radicalisation and female genital mutilation. The manager and staff know the procedures to report safeguarding concerns to the relevant authorities.
The managers follow a robust recruitment process and all staff complete Disclosure and Barring Service checks to make sure that they are suitable to work with children. This helps keep children safe.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review and enhance the home book changing routines to maximise the learning for all children provide children with opportunities to consolidate their learning and give them more time to think and respond to questions.