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About Chestnut@Chesterton

Name Chestnut@Chesterton
Ofsted Inspections
Address Green End Road, Chesterton, CAMBRIDGE, CB4 1RW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff warmly welcome children and their families into the nursery.

Children form close bonds with staff and secure friendships with other children. This helps to provide a positive contribution to children's well-being. Overall, children are provided with a wide range of stimulating and enjoyable learning experiences.

They make their own choices about where they would like to play. Children relish the opportunities to play outdoors throughout the day. They enjoy spending time in the fresh air and exploring the different environments.

Older children work well together as a team to build a challenging obstacle c...ourse. They are encouraged by staff to think about their own safety and whether the course they have built is safe to use. Babies and toddlers have their curiosity and exploratory skills nurtured.

Sensory play opportunities are plentiful. Babies thoroughly enjoy splashing their hands and using small tools in coloured water. Toddlers use rollers and paints to make different patterns and marks.

Children demonstrate a positive attitude to learning and are confident. Their independence skills are promoted well in preparation for school. Older children successfully manage their self-care skills.

For example, they dress and undress themselves for outdoor play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The new manager demonstrates drive and commitment to the nursery. She values staff's opinions and carefully thinks about their well-being when considering workloads and responsibilities.

Staff feel that the manager always makes time for them and they are well supported in their roles.Children's behaviour throughout the nursery is good. They understand the rules and routines of the day.

Older children negotiate taking turns in activities themselves and are patient as they wait. Children are kind and considerate towards others. For example, they offer their hand for support to children who find an obstacle course challenging.

Through discussion, staff demonstrate that they know the children in their care well. They understand their individual learning needs and weave children's interests successfully into the planning of activities. Staff make accurate assessments of children's learning and identify the next steps that will help them make the best ongoing progress.

Babies learn in a calm and relaxing environment. Staff use quiet voices and lots of positive facial gestures that help babies to feel safe and secure. Babies have formed close relationships with their key person and they happily approach them for cuddles.

Staff work closely with professionals, such as speech and language therapists, to identify children who need additional support. Children benefit from a highly targeted approach to support their welfare and all-round development. As a result, children make good progress from their individual starting points.

Staff promote a healthy lifestyle. Opportunities to play outdoors and engage in physical play have increased since the last inspection. Children understand about their own good health.

They tell staff they need strong muscles to move a tyre outdoors. The healthy meals and snacks provided contribute to a well-balanced diet.Parents speak highly of the setting.

They feel communication about their child's time at the nursery is excellent. Parents are kept regularly updated about their children's progress. They have good opportunities to share their children's achievements from home as part of their learning and development.

Parents are invited to spend time in the nursery. For example, they attend Mother's Day and Father's Day picnics and a graduation ceremony.Staff support most children's language and communication skills well from an early age.

They sing songs and read stories. Staff repeat words, model the correct pronunciation and ask children questions that encourage them to think. However, staff do not consistently support all children who speak English as an additional language to communicate effectively.

Children enjoy a good range of learning experiences and have opportunities to choose what they want to play with. However, staff in the Panda room have not fully considered how the daily routine occasionally interrupts children's play.Staff have many opportunities to enhance their practice.

However, the leadership team has not sought further ways to help all staff develop a deeper knowledge of teaching and learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a clear understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse.

They understand their responsibilities in helping to keep children safe from harm. Staff ensure their knowledge is kept up to date through training and discussions in staff meetings. Recruitment is robust and staff's ongoing suitability is regularly checked.

Children are cared for in safe and secure premises. The areas they use are consistently assessed for hazards and risks.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: find ways to promote the speaking, listening and understanding skills of children who speak English as an additional language that improves their vocabulary and recognition of words in their home language and in English review the organisation of daily routines in the Panda room so that children's learning experiences are consistently strong and they are able to become deeply involved in their activities build on the already good practice and seek further ways to help all staff develop first-rate teaching skills.

Also at this postcode
Clarence House Cambridge Premier Wraparound Care at Chesterton Primary School Chesterton Primary School

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