Chestnut@Halbutt Street

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About Chestnut@Halbutt Street

Name Chestnut@Halbutt Street
Ofsted Inspections
Address 202a, Halbutt Street, Dagenham, RM9 5AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BarkingandDagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders have developed a curriculum that is ambitious and carefully sequenced. It is tailored to meet the needs of individual children, with a focus on developing communication and language skills.

For example, staff use simple sign language to help children follow instructions. Routines are embedded, and staff skilfully use objects to signal to children when it is time for a change in routine. Children understand what is expected of them, and this contributes to positive behaviour.

Staff set up inviting activities, and children show high levels of enjoyment as they explore and engage. For example, younger children enj...oy the sensory experience of mixing cornflour with coloured water. Older children take delight in using magnifying glasses to find a range of minibeasts hiding in a terrarium.

Staff interact warmly with children and offer lots of praise. This contributes to children feeling secure and confident. They demonstrate positive attitudes to learning, approaching adults to ask questions and sharing items they have found or made.

Staff support children to manage their own risks. For example, they are supported to safely use balancing equipment. They are taught to look after themselves in hot weather.

For example, staff explain to children the importance of staying hydrated.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff prepare children well for their next stage of learning, including school. Room leaders are clear about what they want children to know and do before they are ready to move up a room.

They structure children's learning based on the books they read, which meet children's needs and interests. For instance, the book 'The Colour Monster' is chosen to explore feelings with the children who are transitioning to pre-school.Staff support the development of children's language.

In the baby room, there is frequent singing and verbal labelling. For example, a child picks sea creatures out of the water tray and holds them up for an adult to name. However, group activities in the pre-school sometimes provide fewer opportunities for the most able children to extend their language.

Children benefit from spacious outside areas and many opportunities to be physically active in their play. Babies have lots of space to crawl and cruise along equipment at different heights. Older children enjoy taking turns to travel along a balancing trail.

Plenty of time outside contributes to their physical health and emotional well-being.Staff promote children's independence. For example, at mealtimes, babies feed themselves using spoons.

Toddlers confidently use forks and pour their own water, and pre-school children serve themselves. This helps to prepare children for school. The food provided is balanced and nutritious, and any allergies or dietary requirements are well managed through the use of colour-coded plates.

Senior staff manage behaviour incidents swiftly and calmly. Children are supported to self-regulate and make progress in managing their behaviour over time. The nursery feels calm and purposeful.

However, some staff are less confident when managing negative behaviours, relying on senior staff in these situations.The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) is highly skilled and works closely with other professionals to ensure that the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully met. The nursery benefits from a well-equipped sensory room, which is regularly used for intervention sessions.

Children with SEND make good progress towards closing any gaps in learning.Leaders prioritise the well-being of staff. Staff comment that they feel well supported and benefit from regular supervisions and quality training sessions.

There are many strategies in place, such as staff awards, to ensure that staff feel valued.The new manager, alongside a supportive leadership team, regularly reflects on the effectiveness of the nursery. She has already made some positive changes and has identified some clear goals for further improvement.

For example, she intends to use the local area more frequently to provide children with a wider range of experiences.The manager uses additional funding effectively to support individual children. For example, books have been purchased to introduce a borrowing library.

This enables children to develop a love of reading at home with their parents.Parents comment on the notable progress their children have made since joining the nursery. The manager has plans in place to further engage parents through the introduction of parent workshops and stay-and-play sessions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The setting is notably secure. Daily risk assessments ensure that all areas are safe and clean.

Leaders are highly approachable and very present in the setting. This contributes to a positive culture of safeguarding. Staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities.

They know the potential signs of abuse and who to report these to. Staff know what to do if they have concerns about other members of staff. Leaders have robust procedures in place for recruitment and induction.

This ensures that all staff are suitably vetted to work with children. Most staff are trained in paediatric first aid.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider how you organise group times to ensure that the most able children are motivated by the learning continue to extend high-quality training and supervisions to ensure that all staff feel confident to support children in regulating their behaviour.

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