Chestnut@William Bellamy

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About Chestnut@William Bellamy

Name Chestnut@William Bellamy
Ofsted Inspections
Address Frizlands Lane, Dagenham, Essex, RM10 7HX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BarkingandDagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff place high priority on children's personal, social and emotional development at this nursery. Children spend their time following their interests, embedding their knowledge and making remarkable progress towards highly ambitious outcomes. The day is divided into two distinct sessions, which supports a high level of local need for part-time early education places.

Children who only attend in the afternoon start their session with a welcome song alongside their friends, which settles them in and sets them up for learning. Staff reorganise activities and resources to meet the needs of the children attending each sessi...on. This means all children benefit fully from a curriculum that is highly responsive to their needs and helps to close any gaps in their learning.

The manager promotes a highly inclusive ethos, which helps to ensure that all children, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), have full access to their early education entitlement. Staff at this nursery provide exceptionally high-quality experiences for children with SEND. These support them to meet the high expectations staff have for all children's learning and development.

Staff help children to remember what they already know through incisive questioning that develops children's recall and retelling skills. When children need additional intensive support, it is provided by a consistent member of staff. This consistency enables children to make excellent progress from their starting points.

The comprehensive settling-in process successfully supports children to feel safe and develop a sense of belonging. Children move between the different areas of learning, both indoors and outdoors, with a sense of ease and wonder. Staff are attuned to the individual needs of their key children and can support all children extremely well.

Highly effective partnerships between parents, staff and other agencies mean that children make positive transitions when it is time to move on to school or specialist provision.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff consider the individual needs of every child at this nursery. They do this through regular observations, discussions with parents and guidance from external professionals working with children.

This ensures that the activities staff design to deliver the curriculum are highly effective. Staff interactions with children are of an exceptional quality. Children respond positively to calm conversation, affection and praise.

Staff with key-person responsibilities take time to get to know their key children and build strong bonds with them. This helps children to grow in confidence and build their knowledge and skills over time across all areas of learning.All children at this nursery benefit from the staff's exceptional understanding of how to support behaviour and learning.

Staff gather information about children's interests, experiences, family and home life before they start at the nursery. Staff reflect on what children know and can do to plan a smooth and coherent curriculum for children's learning. For example, focused one-to-one sessions help children complete tasks form start to finish, such as solving a puzzle or sorting shapes.

This helps children to build confidence and apply themselves to future learning independently. Staff share what they do with parents and the resources they use to help provide consistency for children.Staff listen to children and watch them as they play, allowing the opportunity for independent learning.

When appropriate, staff enrich children's experiences by introducing new vocabulary, repeating words or demonstrating a skill. Staff manage this fine balance and know when to observe and when to engage. Children who communicate through their gestures, behaviour and facial expressions have their needs met by attentive staff.

This supports those children who are not able to express their needs verbally.Parents can choose to provide a packed lunch or have a hot meal provided for their children. There is clear guidance to ensure packed lunches are healthy and nutritious.

Staff have an excellent understanding of allergies and dietary requirements, which in turn supports children's welfare and cultural preferences. Children thoroughly enjoy the hot meal and take turns to help themselves. Staff eat with children and encourage good manners, conversation and discussions about healthy eating.

Children learn early independence skills as they help to scrape their plates and tidy up.Children love the large garden area, where they can climb, run, ride bikes and explore a range of activities. Staff deploy themselves effectively to support children to get the most from outdoor opportunities.

Children learn how to move their bodies in different ways as they master the climbing frames, practise their turn-taking skills during ball games and enjoy weekly football lessons. In addition to the main garden, a sensory garden is available for smaller groups of children to inspire their curiosity and enjoy the calming benefits of nature.Leaders ensure that staff can access any training they require to improve their confidence and competence.

Staff supervision sessions are highly focused discussions that support staff to meet children's needs and identify areas for professional development. Staff are passionate about their roles and share their learning with colleagues during meetings. Staff consistently say they feel valued and supported.

The manager and her team have an excellent understanding of the local community, the services available in the area and the individual families with whom they work. Parents are eager to share the difference the nursery team has made to their lives. They talk about the skills they have learned that help them play and interact with their children.

Parents commend the open and frank discussion staff have with them to ensure that their children access any additional support they need at the earliest possible opportunity.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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