Chez Nanny Limited (Preparatory & Educational Nursery)
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About Chez Nanny Limited (Preparatory & Educational Nursery)
Chez Nanny Limited (Preparatory & Educational Nursery)
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The passionate and dedicated staff team creates an extremely vibrant and stimulating environment, indoors and outdoors. Staff know children exceptionally well and have wonderfully high expectations of them.
They meticulously plan a curriculum that ignites children's curiosity and thirst for learning. Subsequently, children show sustained levels of engagement, curiosity and concentration, and are highly motivated to learn. Children are superbly prepared for school and the next stage in their learning.
Children settle very quickly and are exceedingly happy at nursery. They continuously demonstrate that they feel s...afe and secure, through their positive engagement and attitude towards learning. Babies and young children respond extremely well to the nurturing manner of staff.
They explore the environment with increasing confidence, having the reassurance that their key person is close by. Older children persevere and show great determination to succeed at tasks. They behave extraordinarily well and develop firm and positive friendships with each other.
Children exhibit kindness and concern, and they intuitively know when to share resources and take turns without direction from staff. Wonderful consideration is given to children's physical and emotional well-being. Children are encouraged to talk about their feelings, understand empathy for others and express themselves in social situations.
Children learn the importance of dental hygiene, brushing their teeth with impressive competency for their young age. They thoroughly enjoy regular dance sessions, which superbly support them to develop their balance and coordination.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff prioritise children's early communication and language to the highest possible levels.
They utilise extremely skilful questioning techniques to support children to share their own ideas and suggestions in their play. Older children articulate their ideas impressively, and younger children thrive in their communication skills through the careful implementation of language activities.Literacy is given considerable consideration within the nursery.
Staff have created reading bags and a lending library so that children are able to borrow their favourite books to read at home with their families. Children frequently visit the local library, often travelling by bus, which provides children with new and exciting experiences and an understanding of the community in which they live.Children are developing an outstanding awareness of their place within society.
They visit residents in sheltered housing, delivering 'hampers' to them, and participate in many fundraising activities to support those less fortunate than themselves. Children learn about many different cultures and celebrations. Older children recite the days of the week and count in French, understanding that some people speak different languages.
Partnerships with parents are superb. Staff foster highly effective and carefully considered strategies to help engage and involve parents in their children's learning at home. For example parents' aspirations for their children's learning are captured through 'focused child sheets'.
Parents share children's interests and achievements from home and comment on what they would like staff to do to further support their child. Furthermore, outings are arranged at weekends for parents and their children to enjoy together, providing wonderful opportunities for social inclusion.Children have an exceptional understanding of how to keep themselves safe.
They assist staff in identifying potential hazards in the garden area and talk confidently about how risks can be minimised. Staff create an abundance of opportunities that support children to develop their independence skills. For example, babies competently feed themselves at mealtimes and older children skilfully serve their food and tidy away their plates and cutlery.
Staff are careful not to over-direct and this encourages children to possess a positive 'can-do' attitude.The inspirational leadership team relentlessly strives for excellence. Leaders demonstrate a determined commitment to providing high-quality provision.
They observe and monitor staff practice robustly and provide an extensive programme of professional development. This immense support enables staff to continually provide the best possible teaching and learning experiences for children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff have a robust understanding of their role and responsibility in protecting children from harm. Children's safety and well-being are priorities and are deeply embedded into daily practice. Staff are adept at recognising the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate abuse.
They assuredly describe the procedures to follow should they have concerns about a colleague's practice. Designated staff with safeguarding responsibilities have attended specialist training, and all staff refresh their understanding regularly. Stringent recruitment and vetting arrangements ensure that staff remain suitable to carry out their duties.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.