Children’s Corner Childcare LLP (GSAL)

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About Children’s Corner Childcare LLP (GSAL)

Name Children’s Corner Childcare LLP (GSAL)
Ofsted Inspections
Address Leeds Grammar School, Harrogate Road, LEEDS, LS17 8GS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The management and staff team are ambitious in their pursuit to provide a high-quality service to children. They involve children in making decisions about the operation of the setting and consider these in their improvement plans. They value children's ideas and embody them well in the activities and provision they plan.

This helps children to engage and focus on the tasks they complete. • Staff allow children time to explore and have their own ideas in play. They skilfully support children to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they provide provision to foster children's creativity.

For example, children enjoy the chal...lenge to create snowmen models independently, using a variety of malleable resources. • Partnerships with parents are strong. Staff liaise regularly with parents and provide key information about their child's day.

Parents receive newsletters, which help to keep them informed about the activities children complete. • Staff and children develop strong relationships from an early stage. Staff assign the younger children to a key person and older children have buddies to help them settle when they first start.

This provides children with a familiar person and encourages new friendship groups. This has a positive impact on children as they further develop their already good social skills. • The manager has not fully developed the partnerships with other professionals and settings children attend, to better support continuity in their experiences.

• The manager has not yet identified an effective system which will help her to better utilise the available outdoor areas for children to access all year round at the club.

information about their child's day. Parents receive newsletters, which help to keep

them informed about the activities children complete.

• Staff and children develop strong relationships from an early stage. Staff assign the younger children to a key person and older children have buddies to help them settle when they first start. This provides children with a familiar person and encourages new friendship groups.

This has a positive impact on children as they further develop their already good social skills. • The manager has not fully developed the partnerships with other professionals and settings children attend, to better support continuity in their experiences. • The manager has not yet identified an effective system which will help her to better utilise the available outdoor areas for children to access all year round at the club.

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