Chill Out - Auriol

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About Chill Out - Auriol

Name Chill Out - Auriol
Address Auriol Junior School, Vale Road, EPSOM, Surrey, KT19 0PJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate that they feel happy, safe and secure at the holiday club.

They benefit from the relaxed, fun-filled atmosphere where they have varied opportunities to learn new skills. Children are involved with the planning of the club. Leaders seek their views in what they would like to do or see.

Children negotiate activities with each other. For instance, they listen to their friends as they discuss the rules of the games they play. Children are incredibly keen to join in.

They have great fun as they play 'Shark, can I cross the water?' Older children support younger children to line up, ensuring that th...ey get the chance to be the 'shark'. They beam with pride as staff and their peers clap and cheer for them. This helps to promote their self-esteem and well-being.

Children learn about diversity and inclusion. All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, are encouraged to participate and enjoy their activities. Celebrations consider children's interests and include activities such as arts and crafts, puzzles and topical books.

All children are encouraged to share their ideas with each other. For example, following an activity, children vote for the sensory experience they enjoyed the most.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have high expectations of children and their behaviour.

They involve children in creating the club rules and discuss these daily. They give children clear explanations and talk to them about the impact their behaviour may have on others.The provider has a clear vision for providing high-quality care.

She seeks the views of staff, parents and children to help identify effective targets and drive ongoing improvements. The provider ensures that staff complete mandatory training, including paediatric first aid and safeguarding. Staff benefit from additional in-house training and regular supervision sessions.

Staff ensure that the environment is safe and secure. They provide good levels of supervision to help keep children safe. Daily safety checks of the premises and equipment ensure that any hazards are identified, and are safe and fit for purpose.

Children excitedly participate in the whole group sensory activities on offer. They explore different textures using their bare feet. They squeal with delight as they walk through shaving foam, hair gel, cereal and dried pasta.

Staff encourage those who are not as keen to join in, holding their hands and gently talking to them. Children eagerly tell the staff and each other what the materials feel like, such as 'gooey', 'squishy', 'cold' and 'sticky'. Although most children wait patiently for their turn, at times, other children lose concentration as they wait for prolonged periods for their turn to come around.

Partnership with parents is good. Staff gather information from them before children start attending the club. This enables staff to meet the children's individual needs effectively.

Parents comment positively on the club. They report that they are happy with the care their children receive.Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles well.

Children understand the importance of washing their hands. For instance, they wash them before eating and when returning inside. Staff encourage children to eat their healthy snacks before eating their treats, explaining how different foods are better for them than others.

There are lots of opportunities for children to be physically active outdoors. The club benefits from a large outdoor space. Children dance, run freely, kick balls, chase bubbles, and each other, giggling with delight as they do so.

Staff support children well to encounter learning in all areas of the curriculum outdoors. Children practise their writing skills and share their pictures with each other while others play cooperatively on a large helicopter rocker developing their balancing skills.Children have strong relationships with the staff and each other.

Staff clearly enjoy being with the children, and children respond well. Staff introduce children who are new to the club, finding out if they know anyone from school, and children welcome them. Children settle and take an active role very quickly.

Young children soon become independent, separating from their older siblings confidently and making friends with children their own age. Staff celebrate this and eagerly share the children's social development with their parents.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand their role and responsibility in protecting children from the risk of harm. They understand how to identify and report safeguarding concerns, following local guidelines and working with the host school. Leaders follow safe recruitment procedures and check the ongoing suitability of staff.

Children play in safe and secure areas. Staff adhere to robust risk assessments for resources and all spaces to help keep children safe. They are vigilant about children at all times and manage collection times well.

Also at this postcode
Auriol Junior School

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