Chillout Kids Club

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About Chillout Kids Club

Name Chillout Kids Club
Address Barn Mead Pavilion, Partridge Road, Goldsmiths, Harlow, Essex, CM18 6TD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy, confident and settle quickly when they join the club. They demonstrate they feel safe as they animatedly chat to staff and visitors.

Each evening, after school, children join in with activities that interest them, such as arts and crafts, cooking or games. Space and resources are used thoughtfully to give children interesting and fun projects and tasks. Children know that their efforts are valued when their artwork is displayed.

Children are consulted about many aspects of the club. They confidently make choices as they select resources and eagerly request help from staff if they need it. For example, c...hildren enthusiastically decorate the Christmas tree and ask staff to help them fix the star at the top.

Children are well behaved and treat one another and staff with respect. While the majority of children are older, they are very caring and considerate towards the younger children. Children from different schools mix and make friends.

They have experiences that promote an understanding of other people. For example, children enjoy regular outings to share puzzles, games and read stories with elderly members of the local community. They also learn to take care of the nearby environment as they help to pick up litter.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Since registration, there have been extensive renovations to the premises to make the indoor environment more appealing to children. There are now plans to improve the garden to extend the range of activities offered to children who prefer to play outside.Staff are friendly and approachable.

They create a welcoming and caring atmosphere where children are relaxed and settled. Staff know the children well. They gather detailed information to ensure they discover each child's individual needs and interests right from the start.

Staff continually support children to build on their language skills. Conversations are lively. Staff act on children's ideas and value their contributions to discussions.

Children are very enthusiastic and enjoy explaining to visitors why they enjoy coming to the club.Children sit and look at books, both independently and in groups. Staff help to support children's literacy skills by listening to them read their school books.

Children also practise writing messages in the greetings cards they make for friends and family.Staff provide an inclusive environment. They work closely with parents, schools and other professionals to ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the support they need.

Staff ensure that all children feel included and can participate fully in activities.Staff help children to understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Children have the use of the adjacent playing fields for exercise, sports activities and more energetic play.

They demonstrate a good understanding of effective hygiene routines. Children enjoy preparing and eating nutritious snacks. Staff are well aware of any allergies or special dietary requirements to ensure children's needs are met.

Children develop their awareness of personal safety. They confidently explain the fire drill procedures, including what they need to do if they have to evacuate the premises in an emergency. Children say they feel safe and confirm they would speak to any member of staff if they were worried about something.

The provider takes the well-being and happiness of staff members seriously. Staff have regular team meetings and individual appraisals where they reflect on how they can improve. They also complete online training and attend social events, including team-building exercises.

As a result, there is a very positive team spirit amongst the staff.Parents say they are impressed by the variety of activities and outings the club provides for their children. They also say they really appreciate the flexible care and the additional support staff provide when families are experiencing difficulties in their lives.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff have a good understanding of child protection procedures. They all complete relevant safeguarding training.

They know the steps to take if they have concerns about a child's welfare, including exposure to extreme views and behaviour. There are robust recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff are vigilant about security.

The entrance doors remain locked and staff ensure children are closely supervised. Staff complete risk assessments to ensure the premises remain safe. They also support children to understand how to stay safe when they use electronic tablets and the internet.

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