Clifton Tots Day Nursery

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About Clifton Tots Day Nursery

Name Clifton Tots Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Clifton Tots, 23 Richmond Hill, BRISTOL, BS8 1BA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is good • The manager seeks to improve the provision. She uses feedback to make positive changes.

For example, following feedback from parents, she now communicates the daily menu to parents in a variety of formats. These include electronically, verbally and visually in the nursery. The manager and owners work closely together to support staff to increase their skills.

For example, staff undertake early years qualifications and attend additional training. • The nursery provides a well-planned learning environment for children to be independent and make their own choices. Staff know the children well and plan for their individual learning.

For examp...le, following an interest in autumnal leaves, staff fill a room with leaves and create an opportunity for children to play and explore their senses. Staff use observations and assessment systems to track children's progress accurately. They identify gaps in children's learning swiftly and plan actions to address them.

• Very caring and knowledgeable staff meet children's emotional well-being exceedingly well in a very supportive environment. Children's behaviour is exemplary. For example, they have a strong understanding of fairness and confidently negotiate turn taking with their friends.

Staff display the expected behaviours, such as talking calmly and treating everyone with respect, and so even the youngest children behave positively towards others. Staff have excellent links with parents and other agencies that work with the children. Staff help children to find their name and to register their arrival.

• Children are confident and motivated to learn. All children make good progress from their starting points. It is not yet outstanding because: • Occasionally, staff miss opportunities to ask challenging questions, or give children the time they need to think for themselves and share their own ideas fully.

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