Club 0-5 limited

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About Club 0-5 limited

Name Club 0-5 limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Club 0-5 Ltd, Halesfield 20, Unit A, Telford, Shropshire, TF7 4QU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

There are significant weaknesses in the safeguarding knowledge and practices at this nursery. Leaders have a weak understanding of safeguarding.

They fail to identify and respond to signs that children may be at risk of harm. They do not apply robust knowledge of child protection when recording and responding to information about injuries children sustain outside of the nursery. Not all staff understand their responsibilities to report concerns promptly.

This impacts on their ability to take prompt and effective action to protect children when necessary. Leaders do not implement robust recruitment procedures to e...nsure staff are deemed suitable for their role. They do not have effective systems in place to check the ongoing suitability of staff.

This compromises the safety and welfare of children.The quality of teaching among staff within the setting is too variable. Some staff are aware of how to teach young children, while others do not fully support children to build on previous learning.

This means children do not receive strong teaching and interactions from staff to help them to make best progress. Despite the weaknesses, children arrive at the nursery happy, and confidently leave their parents. Children engage well with each other during free play and behave appropriately.

In the baby room, relationships between staff and babies are sensitive and responsive. Babies enjoy song times and are beginning to make different sounds. They confidently approach familiar adults, who are attentive to their needs.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has procedures in place for staff to follow to safeguard children. However, they do not ensure that staff implement these procedures to keep children safe. Leaders and staff, including the practitioner designated to take lead responsibility for safeguarding, do not identify and report possible safeguarding concerns about children to the relevant agencies.

The provider also fails to report allegations against staff to Ofsted, as required. Safeguarding records are not kept meticulously or well organised. This compromises the safety and welfare of children.

Leaders do not implement robust recruitment and vetting procedures. They do not obtain the required criminal records checks when staff have lived or worked abroad. Leaders do not obtain current criminal records checks when there is an indication of changes which may affect the suitability of staff.

They do not maintain a record of identity and vetting processes for all staff. This puts children at risk of harm.The provider does not have adequate oversight of the quality and standards at the setting.

Staff have regular supervision sessions, but leaders do not monitor staff performance effectively. They do not identify weaknesses in teaching and staff's understanding about how children learn. Staff do not plan adult-led activities well enough.

For example, they plan an activity for children aged under two years to make cakes which is far beyond children's capabilities.Leaders do not ensure that the curriculum is carefully sequenced and ambitious. Children in the baby room access interesting activities, which staff tailor to meet their individual needs.

However, staff working with older children do not have a good enough understanding about what children need to learn next.Although staff provide a range of resources and opportunities for children, they do not focus their planning and teaching precisely enough on extending children's skills and knowledge further. At times, some children lack stimulation because staff deployment is not effective for them to consistently engage and inspire children to play and learn.

On occasions, staff do not notice when children need support.The nursery's special educational needs coordinator oversees children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and makes referrals to the appropriate professionals, so that these children can receive the support they need. Additional funding is used to provide targeted support and resources.

Children have opportunities to develop their physical skills, indoors and outdoors. Babies have safe spaces to crawl, and they stop to investigate objects that they find. They pull themselves up to stand at the table and reach for interesting items placed purposefully for them to find.

Toddlers improve their balance and coordination as they carefully navigate the climbing equipment. Young children enjoy the soft-play area. All children have daily access to the outdoor area, where they can run, jump and explore.

Children enjoy nutritious meals and snacks, prepared each day by the nursery cook.Parents comment on the kind and caring staff. They appreciate the information they receive about their children's day.

Staff provide parents with general information about activities and children's care routines. Parents have the opportunity to share news and information about children's achievements and current interests. This helps to establish some continuity of care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.Leaders and staff do not implement policies and procedures in line with local safeguarding practice. They do not recognise the importance of referring safeguarding information in a timely manner.

Staff know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare or the actions of an adult. Despite this, staff fail to make referrals to relevant agencies when the leadership team do not take appropriate action. Leaders do not implement robust recruitment procedures.

They do not carry out effective practice to check the ongoing suitability of staff. Leaders do not obtain the relevant criminal records checks to demonstrate that staff are deemed suitable. These failings in safeguarding mean that children are at risk of harm.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is inadequate and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure that the practitioner designated to take lead responsibility for safeguarding, other leaders, and staff, have a robust knowledge and understanding of safeguarding, with particular regard to how to identify when a child may be at risk of harm 14/12/2023 make sure that leaders and staff implement effective safeguarding policies and procedures to help protect children from harm 14/12/2023 ensure that any safeguarding concerns are reported to the appropriate agencies in a timely manner 14/12/2023 improve knowledge and understanding about safe recruitment practice and how to ensure staff are deemed suitable for their roles 14/12/2023 implement effective procedures to check the ongoing suitability of staff, with particular regard to obtaining current criminal records checks when there is an indication of changes which may affect their suitability 14/12/2023 maintain a record of information about staff identity checks and vetting processes 14/12/2023 obtain a criminal records check (or checks if more than one country) for any staff who have lived or worked abroad 14/12/2023 maintain accurate records for the safe and efficient running of the setting, with particular regard to recording robust safeguarding information 14/12/2023 ensure staff are deployed effectively to supervise children so that they remain safe and are provided with good-quality care and learning experiences 14/12/2023 provide staff with training and support to raise the consistency and quality of teaching to ensure purposeful, age-appropriate interactions for children.14/12/2023 To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date plan and implement a well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum that builds securely on what children already know and can do 05/01/2024 ensure staff implement stimulating learning experiences that focus more precisely on helping children to achieve their next steps in learning.


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