Club Vale Ltd

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About Club Vale Ltd

Name Club Vale Ltd
Address Ewell Grove Primary & Nursery School, West Street, Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1UZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children come into the club, happy, and talk with the staff about their school day. They quickly settle and choose what they would like to play with. Young children know the club routine well.

For instance, they hang their coat up and wash their hands before decorating cakes. Children are supported by key staff who get to know them well. This helps them feel safe and secure.

Children are highly motivated and relish their time in the garden. They enjoy spending time drawing patterns with chalk and playing football in the garden with their friends. Children experience new activities.

For example, they draw a hockey ...pitch and discuss the rules, staff support children very well. They give them ideas to extend their play. For instance, children use a tally chart to record the scores in various games.

Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and are good role models. Children play together kindly and considerately.Children are confident at making their own choices about where they would like to play and staff facilitate this well.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are not currently able to go into the setting. However, the manager communicates with parents through an online system to share important information.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff use their knowledge of what children like and are interested in when planning a wide range of activities.

This helps to keep children involved and engaged. For example, children create large craft collages that they proudly display. Furthermore, they paint silhouette pictures of Remembrance Day.

Young children take turns and concentrate as they play card games. Children are happy in their play.Staff support children's behaviour very well.

They are kind and sensitive to the children. Staff recognise when children need support and give them ideas for different games. Children often invite staff to play with them in their imaginative play.

For example, they pretend to build a hotel and talk about the different rooms they need.Children have a vast choice of healthy foods. Staff support children's physical well-being and their understanding of a healthy lifestyle effectively.

They provide children with a range of nutritious food and snacks, such as filled rolls and fruits. Children follow good hygiene practices and they know to wash their hands before eating. Mealtimes are sociable occasions where children talk about their interests and home events.

Parents speak positively about the club. Parents state that the staff are 'kind' and 'amazing'. Parents value the regular communication about their children's time at the club.

There is an established management team in place and, together, they accurately evaluate the effectiveness of the club. They continually make positive changes to help meet the needs of all children and to improve their daily experiences. For example, they have recently purchased new resources that the children asked for in a survey.

Furthermore, the club has recently undergone refurbishment. The management team strives for continuous development.The management team places high importance on keeping children safe.

The premises are safe and secure. Good procedures are in place for collecting children to ensure their safety. For example, the club recently had a new electronic gate fitted, which is only for use by the children's parents.

Managers and staff complete daily risk assessments to ensure that areas used by children are safe and suitable for their needs.The management team ensures that they have rigorous systems in place to recruit staff. Staff receive a thorough induction and are encouraged in their professional development.

Staff receive regular supervisions, this helps them to reflect on their own practice. Staff positively comment on the good teamwork at the club and say they feel supported in their work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Management and staff have a secure understanding of how to protect children from harm. They have robust systems in place to support children's safety and welfare. Staff know how to identify and report their concerns about children to keep them safe.

They know how to manage any concerns that arise, such as keeping records and making referrals to relevant agencies. Staff attend regular training, as well as meetings, to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge is kept up to date. They have a good awareness of wider safeguarding issues and know how to identify and report their concerns.

Also at this postcode
Ewell Grove Primary and Nursery School

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