Clubland Playscheme Ltd, @ Cranmere

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About Clubland Playscheme Ltd, @ Cranmere

Name Clubland Playscheme Ltd, @ Cranmere
Address Cranmere Primary School, Arran Way, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8BE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club, happy and motivated. They eagerly get involved in the activities that interest them and confirm they look forward to coming. Children of all ages quickly become involved in a game of football.

They play together for long periods of time and demonstrate they understand the rules to keep them safe. For example, if the ball goes out of bounds, they know the staff must retrieve it, to prevent them from having to leave the designated play area. Children have fun playing with their friends.

They enjoy choosing the craft ideas for the week ahead and from a wide range of materials to create their artwo...rk. Children use their imagination to design 'Once Upon a Time' biscuits for 'World Book Day', they squeeze the icing and add the dinosaur sprinkles along with the rainbow strips. Staff praise children and acknowledge their efforts.

Staff provide a variety of hot and cold snacks for the children. When they arrive, they can choose a sandwich and later in the session enjoy some fruit and a biscuit. Children learn to follow good hygiene procedures, they wash their hands before they eat, and before making their biscuits.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership and management of the setting are effective. Leaders and managers provide good levels of support to staff, children and their families. All staff completed mandatory training, to keep their skills and knowledge up to date.

This ensures that they can carry out their roles and responsibilities effectively.Staff have a secure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding procedures. They complete risk assessments on the areas used by the children, to put in place preventative measures to keep children safe.

Staff are vigilant when parents arrive at the front door to pick up their children. They deploy themselves well so they can supervise children effectively, both indoors and outdoors. The provider follows safer recruitment procedures to check that staff working with children are suitable to do so.

Staff provide a good range of activities to support children's play, using their interests and themes throughout the year. The environment is well organised to enable children to choose from the range of toys, books and equipment to play with. There are regular opportunities for children to be creative and use their imagination, through a wide range of art and craft activities.

Staff promote children's language skills well. Children get very excited at sharing their costumes for 'World Book Day'. Staff are motivated and eagerly take an interest in children's costumes as they enter the club.

Some staff also dress up for the day and ask children to guess who they are.Staff encourage children to behave well and have a positive attitude to learning. They enjoy the relaxed atmosphere offered by the club, at the end of the school day.

Older children support younger children in their play and help them to settle in when they first start.Children learn to look after their environment. All children get involved in tidying up the play area, and staff reward them for their positive behaviour.

For example, staff proudly announce when a child has shown exceptional manners and add their name to the 'Bee Amazing' board.'Voice Matters' is a focus week on children's mental health and well-being. The club extends the work completed by the school and has recently set up a 'Chill Out Zone'.

Children confirm they love reading books and utilise the space to sit and relax.Parents are happy with the care provided for their children. They confirm the staff are amazing and manage children's behaviour well.

Parents say they like the seamless support provided for children who have additional needs and feel there is a real sense of extended family.Staff share information with parents, through the newsletter and information displayed in the entrance area. The setting work in partnership with the school.

For example, they extend children's learning using topics covered in the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Cranmere Primary School

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