Clubscomplete At Moor Green Primary Academy

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About Clubscomplete At Moor Green Primary Academy

Name Clubscomplete At Moor Green Primary Academy
Address Moor Green Primary School, Moor Green Lane, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 8QP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily and are enthusiastic to see their friends as they enter the club.

There is lots of lively chatter between children and staff as they greet each other. Children settle in to play with the range of resources that are set out. They work collaboratively, building amazing structures together.

Others settle to eat a quick snack before their parents collect them. Children enjoy being with staff and engage them in their games and conversations about their day at school. Staff have a calm and caring approach, which helps children to relax into their time at the club.

Staff support the youngest well to engage with others. These children receive warm cuddles from staff, which helps them to feel reassured and safe.Children's behaviour is very good.

They routinely use good manners when talking with staff and their peers. Older children are especially kind and caring towards younger children. They help them to fulfil their tasks and remind them of the dangers and to be careful while others are running.

Children enjoy and feel comfortable attending this club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know each child well. They consult all children regularly about the activities and toys they like to play with.

Staff speak with children's teachers to find out what they are learning in school. They use the information to plan a range of activities that follow children's interests at the levels they need. Overall, this helps to ensure children's needs are met.

However, at times where routines change, children are kept waiting in a line for long periods, which results in some children becoming restless.Children have ample time to play outside in the school grounds. The youngest children are keen to engage visitors and show them all areas of the playground.

Children have great fun together. For example, they arrange a space for a game of football. Children discuss the rules together and give each other tasks to draw a centre line and arrange the goals.

Other children spend time outdoors being creative. For example, they chat together as they make elaborate and colourful chalk drawings. The youngest children enjoy being physical and exerting their energy.

They practise their balancing skills, stepping and jumping between tyres. Others focus as they roll tyres in a straight line along the length of the space.Children speak politely to staff and visitors.

They say they like coming to the club to see and play with their friends. Some children say they can relax here after school. Children are keen to show visitors what they are building together.

For example, they carefully build a 'domino'-style line and share the strategies they use to build on different levels. Children demonstrate, using a vital piece that sets the line tumbling and knocks them all down. They cheer as they watch it fall.

There is a calm and friendly atmosphere in the club. Children are provided with healthy meals that are prepared by staff on site. They choose from a healthy range of fillings for sandwiches or wraps and a variety of fruit.

Children sit calmly to chat together to eat after washing their hands.Leaders ensure that staff are supported well. Staff receive consistent support through a performance management programme.

This helps them to fully understand their roles and fulfil their duties effectively. Staff receive the training they need to keep their skills and understanding up to date. They are fully involved in the evaluation of the setting, which helps them to identify the strengths and the areas that they wish to improve the setting.

This helps to enhance the experiences for children who attend.Parents speak highly of the club. They say how friendly and approachable the staff are.

Parents value the detailed information they receive about their children's time in school and at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The leader, manager and staff have a secure understanding of their responsibilities to protect children from harm.

They know signs and symptoms that indicate that a child may be at risk of abuse. All staff know the local procedures to follow in the event that concerns arise about a child's welfare. They know where they must report an allegation against a colleague or member of staff working with children.

Staff understand their responsibilities to share their concerns with those designated to take the lead in safeguarding at the school. Recruitment procedures are robust. This includes the background checks that must be carried out, to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

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Moor Green Primary Academy

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