Coalway Kids Club

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About Coalway Kids Club

Name Coalway Kids Club
Address Coalway Community Infant School, Coalway Road, Coalway, Coleford, Gloucestershire, GL16 7HL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children settle quickly into the club having been collected from the nearby junior and infant schools. Children are eager to chat with friends and to join in the different activities staff have set out.

Staff know children well and activities are closely linked to children's likes and needs However, children know that they can ask for alternative toys and resources from the wide selection available. The consistency of staff helps children feel safe and secure. Children talk confidently about their day, their family and what they are going to do at the weekend.

They readily choose whether to take part in the activities on o...ffer or to sit down and have a snack first. Children 'order' their snack and chat with staff as they eat. Other children decide to play darts.

They choose who will play first and work out the scores adding up the numbers as they play. Children behave well. They know the 'rules' for the club as they had a say in deciding on them.

Children share well, take turns and play cooperatively. They listen well and follow instructions such as washing hands when they come into the club from outdoors and before eating snack. The atmosphere is calm, and children make good friendships.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are passionate about providing children with high quality experiences that they can enjoy. They have clear aims for the club and include everyone in evaluating what is working well or not so well so they can bring about positive improvements. For example, staff have recently re-furbished one of the rooms after talking with the children about what they would like.

The room is now a cosy 'chill out' space with cushions, sofa, drapes, books and an online music player where children can relax and be calm.Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club and readily join in with different activities. Some children use the 'kinetic' sand to create 'landscapes and buildings'.

They share the tools and utensils well making sure everyone can have a turn. Older children include younger ones in the play. They use their imaginations to create complex storylines for the toy figures on the pretend pirate ship.

Other children readily explain to adults the card game they are playing. They talk through how they need to wait for their turn but are also keen to win the game as well. Children cooperate extremely well and show tremendous respect for others.

Partnership with parents is strong. Parents speak highly of the staff and the club. Staff talk with parents at the end of each day about what their children have enjoyed doing.

They also provide 'photobooks' for the younger children that they share with parents. Parents and children love these and say they are a lovely keepsake of children's time at the club as well as celebrating what children achieve.Children have access to a well-equipped outdoor play space.

Parents and staff have been working on adding new equipment and tidying it up for children to play in. Leaders organised a fund raiser to buy a large wooden climbing frame with slide, cargo net and climbing wall. They have also put in a wooden 'stage' area that can have canopy over to protect children from different weather conditions as they use it.

Other parts of the space have growing plots for fruit and vegetables that children use for snacks, as well as a growing area for flowers to brighten the outdoor play space. Children can enjoy being active and develop their physical skills out here.Leaders make sure that the club is accessible for all children.

Staff attend training so they can put in place support to meet children's changing needs. For example, a recent addition to resources is a 'bereavement box' to help children cope with the loss of loved ones or pets. Staff work closely with schools, parents and children to ensure children receive the appropriate support.

All children including those with special educational needs/and or disabilities or those who are learning to speak English as an additional language are included well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Coalway Junior School Coalway Community Infant School Coalway Early Years

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