Colwich Youth & Community Centre

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About Colwich Youth & Community Centre

Name Colwich Youth & Community Centre
Address Main Road, Colwich, STAFFORD, ST17 0XD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club eager to join in with the activities.

They know where to store their bags and happily greet their friends and staff on arrival. The consistency of staff ensures that children feel safe and secure. Children are confident in their environment and fully understand the expectations and routines of the club.

Staff know the children well and conversations are closely linked to children's interests and what is important to them. Children of mixed ages play well together and have made friendships. Staff listen carefully to children and support them to build good social skills and to speak to others resp...ectfully.

Children play games and take part in imaginative role play. They concentrate as they complete puzzles or use construction materials to design tall structures. Staff support children's requests and ideas to provide a range of resources that interest them and meet their individual needs.

Children sit happily in groups and paint, and cut and stick, as they use a selection of materials to create their autumn pictures. Staff ensure that children have the tools they need to complete their chosen task. Staff encourage independence, but are always close by to offer help if children need it.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff make sure that the club is available and accessible for all children. They work closely with parents and guardians to ensure that they understand each child's needs so that they receive appropriate support. This ensures the inclusion of all children attending the setting.

Staff plan a diverse range of play activities that motivate and engage children well. Staff are good role models to the children. Children behave well.

They play cooperatively together and happily share and take turns during their play. Children respond positively to staff when they are given guidance. Children tell visitors to the club that they love coming and spending time with their friends.

Staff understand the importance of promoting children's physical health. They provide regular opportunities for children to be physically active in the fresh air. Snack time is a social occasion.

Staff promote healthy eating as they provide a variety of well-balanced food choices. Children sit and chat to their friends about their school day and develop appropriate table manners. They demonstrate a sound awareness of good hygiene practices.

Staff obtain information regarding any special dietary requirements and preferences and ensure that they adhere to this information accordingly.Parents are complimentary about the club and the approachable and friendly staff. Staff gather good information from parents about their children.

For example, they find out about children's likes and dislikes, family members and any medical needs. The key-person system is effective, and young children are consistently cared for by familiar staff. Parents comment that their children thoroughly enjoy the different activities that the club offers.

They are confident their children are safe and well cared for.Staff have established positive working relationships with the host school. Staff ensure that any messages from school are passed on to parents when they collect their children.

They share relevant information to ensure continuity of care for the children attending. Staff recognise the importance of continuing to develop this relationship so that children's learning is extended.The manager and staff work cohesively together to ensure the smooth running of the club.

The manager evaluates the club well, seeking the views of parents and children. Staff receive ongoing support from the manager. She holds daily discussions with the staff team and uses these opportunities to discuss with staff any training needs and concerns.

The manager values staff's input and works together with them to identify ways to drive improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a good understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children.

They recognise the signs and symptoms that might indicate a child is at risk from harm or abuse. Staff are confident in recording and reporting concerns. They complete training to keep their knowledge up to date.

Staff know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about another member of staff. They are also confident in recognising the signs to look out for linked to the 'Prevent' duty, including the risks of being drawn into radicalisation. Risk assessments of the indoor and outdoor environments help to ensure children's well-being and safety.

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