Combe Pre-School

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About Combe Pre-School

Name Combe Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Methodist School Room, Park Road, Combe, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 8NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children show a strong determination to finish activities to their own satisfaction.

They are eager and enthusiastic to learn. Staff introduce new ideas and experiences to encourage children to question and be intrigued. Staff use technology resourcefully to find and share information with the children, to broaden their knowledge.

For example, they research what a yo-yo is and how it works.Children develop close friendships. Staff sensitively help children to learn how to deal with frustrations in their play.

Young children listen to staff's ideas about how to share the hoops. Children appreciate their friends...hips, showing care and compassion for each other. Staff initiate new friendships and discuss how children can play together.

As a result, children successfully understand the rules and the cooperation required for group activities.Children are extremely confident in their play environment. Staff are well deployed and successfully engage children in their choice of play.

Younger children, who are new to the setting, freely explore their play space, inside and outside, to develop familiarity and confidence. Staff entice them to explore new experiences and decide for themselves what they prefer to play with.Children enthusiastically share experiences from home.

They have a growing respect for each other's backgrounds. Children talk to each other about their holidays, their families and celebrations linked to their culture and religions. They learn about other children's languages.

Children feel highly valued, with a strong sense of self-worth.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children learn to be self-sufficient through routine experiences. They help themselves to drinks when they are thirsty.

Staff encourage children to use play and practise within everyday tasks to develop skills for later in life. For example, they turn on the tap of the water container to fill their own cups with water. Children confidently remove shoes and put them back on before and after activities, such as yoga sessions.

They place them neatly together to make it easier to find them at the end of the session.Staff use observations of children's play effectively to introduce them to new experiences. This helps to enhance their natural inquisitiveness and exploration.

Older children explore the extensive play opportunities, enthusiastically transporting resources to adapt their learning. For example, they use 'pliers' to mend the playhouse and also to adjust the kettle in the home corner.Staff have a strong understanding of how children's language develops.

They use simplified words for younger children and extend older children's vocabulary by using complex words and questions. Staff effectively manage group discussions to challenge children's listening skills, understanding and confidence to share their knowledge. Children practise using words, such as 'transformation', 'sparkle', 'reflective', 'images' and 'energy'.

They use the words later in their play, showing a clear understanding of new words.Staff extensively encourage children to explore and experiment with the world around them. They introduce natural materials to children's play to help develop their responsibility and respect for their environment.

Children show inquisitiveness for natural processes, such as growing their own produce. Staff effectively link this to children's understanding of oral health and making healthy choices.Children's behaviour is managed positively.

They learn to share and take turns. They show care towards others. For example, when their friends fall over and hurt themselves, they show concern and are quick to reassure them with cuddles.

Staff are positive role models for children, supporting each other and using good manners.Overall, staff interact with children well, using the knowledge of how each child learns to extend, and challenge their interest, knowledge and development. Staff provide exciting, stimulating experiences for children, especially through child-initiated play sessions.

However, when children sit waiting for story time, staff busy themselves with tidying up. As a result, the effectiveness of purposeful learning experiences for children decreases during this period of time.Parents make positive comments about their children's time in the setting and the progress they are making.

Staff share plenty of information with parents, either verbally, displayed, or through the electronic communication platform.Managers use their wealth of knowledge, skills and good practice effectively to promote ongoing evaluations of staff's practice and the impact on children's learning and care. For example, members of the committee actively participate in children's play, encouraging their curiosity for how radios work and sharing their experiences with staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a robust knowledge of procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child in their care. For instance, they regularly discuss scenarios to test their knowledge of signs and symptoms of abuse.

Staff have a secure knowledge of abuse, such as radicalisation and grooming, and can talk about how this may impact children. Relevant ongoing checks are carried out for staff and the committee to ensure that they are suitable to work with children. Children learn to assess risks for themselves.

Staff actively remind children to look at their play environment and make safe choices in their play. For example, children move bicycles away from an entrance so that others do not fall over them.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: norganise transition times between activities more effectively to provide a more consistent approach to purposeful learning.

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