Come and Play Childcare Ltd

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About Come and Play Childcare Ltd

Name Come and Play Childcare Ltd
Address Wallington Primary Academy, Mollison Drive, Wallington, SM6 9JN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sutton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive excited and are very much at ease. They are keen to start the activities and happily chat to their friends. Close relationships are evident, and children are eager to share their news with the staff and their friends.

Children make choices about what they would like to do during their time at the club. They show a keen interest towards art and craft and are eager to get involved in a craft activity. They follow instructions well and make butterflies with coffee filters.

They watch their ink designs spread and learn how to use a peg to make the wings. Children are proud of what they make and show their frien...ds. Children confidently talk to staff about how they feel and show they feel safe and secure.

Children help to devise the rules of the club and demonstrate their understanding by their good behaviour. They are thoughtful and kind to each other. Staff have high expectations of behaviour and sensitively remind children of the rules to avoid any undue conflict.

Children share and take turns with each other, supported by the caring, calm staff. Children comment 'there are lots of things to do' and 'the staff are really nice'. Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club, where they have fun with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is passionate about providing a good service for the children and their families. She involves parents and children in her self-evaluation. For example, because of parent's comments, more variety of fruit is now offered at snack time.

Children are involved in the planning which means their current interests are captured through interesting activities.Children learn about the world around them and learn to care about nature. For example, they make bird feeders to help birds to eat during the winter.

They learn about different insects and enjoy making prints of them in the play dough.Staff provide nutritious snacks for children and talk with them about foods that help them stay fit and healthy. For example, they talk about sugar in food and portion control to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Staff make sure that children with allergies are only given food that is suitable for them. The system to manage dietary requirements helps keep children safe.Children make choices.

For example, at welcome time, the children choose what they want for their snack. Children proudly take responsibility for reading the names from the white board to call their friends to get their snack.Since the COVID 19 pandemic, staff have developed further ways to promote children's well-being.

For example, they learn about appropriate hygiene routines and why they need to brush their teeth. Staff encourage the children to write down their positive thoughts and put them in a jar. This helps to boost children's self-esteem and supports their motivation.

Children are encouraged to talk about their feelings. They can use the emoji display, which shows different emotions to help describe how they feel. Children were eager to explain which emoji they had made and what emotion it depicted.

Children are seen to laugh and joke with each other often.Staff meet children's individual needs well and understand each child's personality. Children make particularly good progress in their social skills.

They are confident, polite and play harmoniously.Parents are happy with the service provided. They comment that the staff are 'friendly and patient'.

They appreciate their children being supported with their homework. They report their children are 'really happy to attend'.Children have good opportunities to play actively and practise their physical skills in the large, well-resourced garden.

They learn to balance and climb on the challenging play equipment. They use their imagination in the play boat and tepee. They practise their coordination and large-muscle skills as they jump on the trampoline.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider follows robust recruitment procedures to protect children. Staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities.

They know what to do if they have concerns about a child's welfare or a colleague's behaviour. The staff liaise with the host schools with any safeguarding concerns. The club is organised to promote children's safety.

For example, walkie-talkies are used to ensure staff can communicate with each other in the garden. There are clear security systems at the entrance doors to help staff monitor children's safe arrival and collection. All staff are able to deal with accidents appropriately as they are first-aid trained.

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