Confi-kids@Northwick Manor

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About Confi-kids@Northwick Manor

Name Confi-kids@Northwick Manor
Address Northwick Manor Primary School, Northwick Road, WORCESTER, WR3 7EA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a warm and welcoming environment, where children demonstrate good levels of confidence and independence.

Children settle quickly on arrival and are happy to greet their friends. They interact positively with staff and are keen to take part in the broad range of activities that staff provide. Staff encourage children's conversational skills as they ask questions and show an interest in what children have to say.

Snack time is a social occasion, where children sit together and happily chat away to their peers and staff. Staff encourage children to carry out routine tasks for themselves. For instance, children up their bags when they arrive, serve their own snack and wash their hands, at appropriate times.

The provider plans different opportunities for children each day, using children's views and interests. Children spend a lot of time in the outdoor areas and get plenty of fresh air and exercise. Staff organise group games to help children to be physically active.

For example, older children enjoy taking part in team games. Young children are keen to closely examine worms and insects they find, and they work well together to fill the wheelbarrow in the forest school area. Staff participate enthusiastically in children's games, offering praise and support when needed.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is dedicated to providing good quality care and fun play experiences for children. The club caters well for the wide age range of children that attend. Staff consistently observe what children enjoy doing and how the environment supports this.

They plan and rotate activities for children. They offer children imaginative play, role play, drawing and games, as well as craft activities. In addition, staff encourage children to contribute their own ideas, so that they feel valued and included.

Staff are good role models and have clear and consistent expectations for children's behaviour. Children behave well and play cooperatively with their peers. They learn to adhere to important rules and boundaries that keep them safe from harm.

Staff are deployed effectively to help to ensure that children are safe. Children express their enjoyment of their time at the club. They comment on the fun they have and that they enjoy playing with their friends.

They say they feel safe and able to talk to the adults if they need any help.The provider places high priority on making the club an inclusive environment. All children are welcomed and valued.

Staff provide effective support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work together with parents to make sure that all children's needs are met and ensure that children can participate in the activities offered. Staff help all children to have a positive experience while at the club and enjoy their play and learning.

Partnerships with parents are good. Staff ask parents for a range of information when children first start. This helps to ensure that children's individual interests and needs are met when planning activities.

Parents feel well informed by the communication they receive from the provider. They comment that their children thoroughly enjoy coming to the club and the range of activities that staff provide. Parents say that the staff team are friendly and approachable.

Children in the early years are assigned a key person to help support their well-being. Parents feel that their children are safe and happy in the club.The provider meets with staff to discuss their roles and responsibilities, and she provides training to enhance their professional development.

Staff work well together. They say they feel supported in their roles. The provider engages with the host school staff.

She talks about the strong focus on the use of outdoor areas, as well as discussions with the headteacher. She knows how important it is to follow health and safety procedures on the school site. The staff team continually look at ways to improve and enrich the experiences of children in their care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of their role and responsibilities to safeguard children. They know the signs and symptoms of abuse and the procedures to follow if they have any concerns.

Staff are confident in their role in referring concerns to the designated safeguarding lead, who in turn would refer to the local safeguarding partners. Robust recruitment procedures are in place and checks are carried out to ensure that all people working with children are suitable. Staff risk assess the premises each day to eliminate any potential hazards.

Also at this postcode
Northwick Manor Primary School

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