Corpus Christi Before & After School Care Service

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About Corpus Christi Before & After School Care Service

Name Corpus Christi Before & After School Care Service
Address Corpus Christi Junior & Infant School, Stanley Road, Chadderton, OLDHAM, OL9 7HA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children eagerly arrive at the club and immediately seek out their friends to share their news and experiences with them.

Rooms are filled with an abundance of laughter and animated conversation as children of all ages play and socialise harmoniously together. Children have access to an extremely well-resourced environment, both indoors and outside. They are able to make independent choices about what they want to play with and contribute to the decision-making about what activities and experiences are provided.

Children clearly enjoy the time they spend in this fun and exciting club. They are extremely happy, engaged, mot...ivated and fully immersed in their chosen activities. They quickly develop a strong sense of belonging because staff warmly greet them after the school day and listen attentively to what they have to say and the suggestions that they make.

Children respond well to the high expectations of staff. They behave impeccably and understand rules and the expected standards of behaviour. Older children are wonderfully nurturing towards their younger friends and support them to play and learn the rules of new games.

Staff are positive role models for children, modelling polite, kind and patient behaviour. Children share, take turns and listen to one another as they enjoy the experiences and activities provided.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The club is a very welcoming environment.

A highly effective key-person system helps to ensure young children's emotional well-being. Staff are extremely caring and interact warmly with children. They initiate conversations, ask questions and give children time to think and respond.

This supports children's self-esteem, their language and communication ability and helps to build on their social skills.Staff ensure that the environment is well equipped to support children's individual needs and reflect their interests. There is an abundance of toys and equipment that are easily accessible for children to independently choose.

Children concentrate on their chosen activities and are fully engaged in their play experiences.Children thoroughly enjoy being active. They enthusiastically participate in games that enable them to develop their gross motor skills as they move their bodies to music.

Children demonstrate an impressive ability to listen to instructions as they react to commands in a game of 'Riverbank' as they jump forwards and backwards, making sure that they are not the last to move so they remain in the game.Children enjoy listening to stories read by enthusiastic staff. Staff encourage children to talk about what they see in the pictures and predict what they think might happen next.

Children are able to share their own experiences and use their recall skills as they talk about the characters in the book.Staff teach children the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Children follow stringent hygiene procedures and are aware of the necessity to wash their hands before handling food and after using the bathroom.

The extensive outdoor area affords children magnificent opportunities to be physically active and engage in energetic play. There are opportunities to climb and balance and take safe and controlled risks.Partnerships between the host school and the club are robust.

Information sharing is detailed and precise and enables staff in the club to complement what children are learning at school and offer additional support where needed. Some staff work both in school and the club, and this helps considerably in ensuring that children feel happy, safe and secure.Parents speak very highly of the club staff and appreciate the flexible care that staff provide.

They comment that their children love to attend and that staff are extremely warm and approachable. Staff ensure they are available to talk to parents at arrival and collection times and share important information or messages from school, which parents greatly appreciate.Exemplary consideration is given to staff professional development.

Staff comment they feel exceptionally well supported and have an abundance of opportunities to engage in training to enhance their knowledge and skills. Robust supervision arrangements are in place that enable staff to reflect on their practice and fully understand their roles and responsibilities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff fully understand their responsibility to protect children in their care. They demonstrate a robust knowledge and awareness of the possible types of harm and abuse for the ages of the children that they support. They accurately describe what they would do should they have concerns about a child's welfare or the conduct of a colleague.

Stringent recruitment processes and detailed induction arrangements are in place. Furthermore, the manager regularly ensures that staff remain suitable to carry out their role. Detailed policies and procedures, that include the completion of risk assessments, help to ensure the smooth running of the club and that children are able to play in an extremely safe and secure environment.

Also at this postcode
Corpus Christi Before & After School Care Service CIO Corpus Christi RC Primary School

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