Country Kids Stay & Play

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About Country Kids Stay & Play

Name Country Kids Stay & Play
Address Nassington School, Church Street, Nassington, Peterborough, PE8 6QG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at this very welcoming and friendly club.

Staff greet them warmly, ask how their day has been and check they have brought all their belongings from the classroom with them. Children can choose from a wide range of activities and play materials in the club room and outside in the school playground.Children's personal development is promoted well.

They are polite to one another and the staff, and their behaviour is good. Children listen well when staff remind them about how to stay safe during their play. Children are involved in devising the club rules.

These are signed by all the children a...nd are displayed clearly in the club. Children enjoy marking their good deeds on a chart. These accumulate and result in rewards of small treats.

This recognition of children's good behaviour and developing social skills is beneficial to their confidence and self-esteem.Staff have high expectations for children and they are good role models. They place a high emphasis on respect and they praise children when they work well together and help their friends.

Children involve all their friends in games and thoroughly enjoy when staff get involved too. For example, they play an imaginative game about a hotel with guests checking in and out and making demands on the hotel staff. This game leads to lots of lively conversations and laughing together at jokes the children make.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The owner of the club works very well with the staff. She has effective procedures to ensure that suitable staff are recruited and complete a thorough induction. This enables staff to carry out their role and manage their responsibilities well.

Staff supervise children well and join in with their play.Children are consulted about the club. Staff value their involvement in the planning of activities and take account of their ideas and interests.

Children clearly show a positive relationship with the staff. They are confident to initiate conversations and share their ideas. Through discussion, staff help children learn how to keep themselves safe online.

Children take part in a good range of interesting activities that broaden their experiences. They learn about Armistice Day as they take part in an art and craft activity to make poppies. Staff extend children's understanding as they talk to them about the cornflower, which is the French remembrance flower.

Children show a positive attitude to their activities and demonstrate high levels of concentration. They play fast-paced card games with staff, focusing on the games for significant periods. Children are confident to show visitors how the games are played.

Children show good humour during a game of table football and graciously accept when their team does not win.Staff involve children in planning a healthy range of snacks. They sit together as a group to eat, and some children volunteer to do the washing up afterwards.

Staff further promote children's good health as they ensure children are able to choose if they wish to play outside or take part in physical play activities in the club room.Parents and grandparents speak highly about the club. They comment that their children enjoy attending and take part in worthwhile activities.

Parents and grandparents say the communication between the school and the club is effective. This results in them being informed about any accidents that occur at school for example.The provider has a good working partnership with staff at the school.

They share information about activities and topics, and have daily discussions to ensure any messages for parents are passed on effectively. This contributes to a consistent approach for the children attending the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider and staff demonstrate a secure understanding of how to keep children safe and promote their welfare. They know the procedures for recording and reporting any child protection concerns, and the importance of working in partnership with the school with regard to safeguarding procedures. Child protection training is updated periodically to ensure their knowledge remains up to date.

Children are safe because the provider carries out effective risk assessments. The premises are secure. The entrance door is kept locked and all parents are greeted by staff when they arrive.

Also at this postcode
Nassington Primary School

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