Creative Kidz Childcare - Meoncross School

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About Creative Kidz Childcare - Meoncross School

Name Creative Kidz Childcare - Meoncross School
Address Meoncross School, 65 Burnt House Lane, Fareham, Portsmouth, PO14 2EF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children run in to see the staff at the club after their busy school and nursery days.

They benefit from a consistent staff team, who know them individually and can meet their needs. Children are very clearly settled in the staff's warm care. Tired children snuggle in for comfort, contently watching other children play from the security of their key-person's knee.

Staff are highly attuned to children's needs and offer them the reassurance and attention they need to thrive at the club. Older children are nurturing and caring towards the younger children. They point out the school buses leaving, for example, when they know a... child likes to wave at them.

Older children play very patiently with younger children, clearly explaining card game rules. Younger children are developing high levels of confidence through the positive support and role modelling from older children. Children benefit from an extensive range of resources and activities that staff provide for them to engage with.

They freely chose what to play with and where to play. Children behave very positively and have exemplary manners. They are self-motivated to join in, play cooperatively and enthusiastically explore all the staff offer them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is forward thinking and knows what she wants children to experience at the club. She aims to provide children with a safe and fun space to be after their busy school and nursery days. The staff team know the children they care for very well.

They take the lead from children to plan activities they know children will enjoy. Children's voices are heard and valued at the club.Staff notice and respond to what children like to do.

For instance, they suggest moving a football game to the field where children have more space to run around. Children listen attentively to instructions and requests from staff. They respond positively such as to have frequent drinks in the hot weather.

Children's good health is supported effectively and they have many opportunities for active play.Children enjoy nutritious snacks at the club. Staff offer children the opportunity to help prepare snacks for their friends.

Good hygiene routines, such as handwashing before eating, are clearly embedded in daily practice. Staff support children to be sociable and develop good communication skills through their shared snack times. Children and staff sit and chat together, listening to what each other has to say.

They clearly relish the opportunity to talk to staff about their day.Children's learning from nursery and school is complemented well by the staff.They build very positive partnerships and have thorough handovers each day to know exactly how they can support children's needs further.

This ensures children receive high levels of continuity for their care and learning.Parents are particularly complimentary about the staff and the positive impact they make on their children's time at the club. They say that staff are especially reassuring to them and their children.

Parents comment very favourably about the new communication systems the staff have introduced. Parents say they feel like they have a real insight into their children's time at the club now.The provider follows robust recruitment processes to make sure staff are suitable to work with children.

All staff benefit from a structured development plan to ensure their skills and knowledge are current at all times. Staff feel supported by the provider and clearly enjoy their roles to provide a safe and nurturing club for children.The provider has clear plans for ongoing developments to benefit the children.

She has recently developed a new sports and skills programme, for instance, for children to take part in. The provider is proactive in making changes that support and engage children, and that work in partnership with the school they attend.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a secure understanding of their role to promote children's well-being at all times. They know what the potential signs and symptoms that a child at risk of abuse may display. Staff know the actions to take to report any concerns they have about children's welfare.

They understand the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about other staff. Staff deploy themselves effectively across the club to ensure children are safe, supervised and supported as they play. The provider has suitable systems in place to check staff's ongoing suitability to work with children.

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Meoncross School

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