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St. Johns Parish Hall, Bradmore Green, COULSDON, Surrey, CR5 1ED
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy and settled at this friendly and welcoming pre-school. Staff are kind and caring, which helps new children to settle quickly.
Children are confident and independent. They develop warm and trusting relationships with their key person. Staff provide a nurturing and engaging environment.
They provide activities that reflect the half termly themes and children's individual needs and interests. For instance, children are excited to find a spider web and engage in some imaginative play as superheroes as staff offer further ideas and suggestions.Children happily explore and learn in the enabling environment..., which helps them to build on what they already know.
This leads to children making good progress. The management team has a clear vision of the curriculum and what it wants children to learn. Staff know children well.
They use timely assessments and observations to gain an understanding of what children already know and can do. Staff use the information they gather to plan purposeful and well-sequenced activities. For example, staff help children to learn about 2D shapes before moving on to 3D shapes.
Staff help children to behave well. Children are kind to each other and happily include each other in their play. Staff support children's understanding of the importance of sharing and taking turns.
This helps to promote children's overall well-being.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team and staff have placed an appropriate focus on developing children's communication and language skills. They model and repeat key vocabulary for very young children.
Staff narrate as children play and ask questions to promote their thought and conversation. As such, children become confident communicators in readiness for their next stage of learning.Children's personal, social and emotional development is supported well.
Staff give them lots of praise and encouragement, which supports their self-esteem and confidence. Children learn to make choices as they access a range of easily accessible resources throughout the day. This helps them to develop their own interests.
Staff promote children's individual needs well. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) develop well. Children who speak English as an additional language make good progress in their language development.
The management team ensures that staff have the skills and knowledge they need to offer effective support, which helps to close any gaps in children's development. This ensures that all children make good progress.Staff are good roles models and eagerly join children as they are asked 'to come and play'.
They are calm, respectful, and caring. However, during child-led learning, staff do not identify opportunities in children's play when they can take their learning to the next level. For instance, staff do not consistently challenge children's learning to build on what they know and can already do.
In this way, children are not consistently provided with high levels of challenge throughout the day.Children are curious to learn. They persevere at tasks and activities even when they become difficult, and they receive huge praise from staff.
Children develop their large-muscle skills and enjoy managing risks by placing wooden beams together on crates and balancing on them. However, at times, staff do not support children to follow instructions and develop their listening skills. For example, at times, children excitedly run inside and are not always reminded by staff to walk.
In addition, children show less focus during group activities and become distracted.Partnership with parents is good. Parents are positive about the setting and the care and attention their children receive from staff.
They highlight how much progress their children have made over time. Parents appreciate the information they regularly receive about their children's progress and the ideas for how to support their learning at home.Staff are enthusiastic and devoted to their work.
They are supported well by the management team, which has high expectations for children's learning. The management team motivates and supports staff to reflect on their practice. Staff are provided with many opportunities for professional learning and development, which helps to raise the quality of care and education for children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to strengthen their teaching strategies to challenge and extend children's learning consistently review ways to enhance opportunities for children to follow instructions and develop their listening to improve their learning further.
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