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About Dragonflies Day Nursery & Out Of School Clubs
The Knightwood Leisure Centre, Skys Wood Road, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 4SJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff warmly welcome children and their families. Children confidently run in and they quickly settle into activities.
They are eager to share things of importance with staff. Children excitedly talk about going on holiday. Staff keenly listen and help children recall past holiday experiences.
They inspire children to share their thoughts and ideas with their peers. Children's interests are fully taken into account by staff as they plan varied and challenging activities. Staff skilfully build upon the knowledge of the children.
For example, they use books to further expand children's knowledge of the Olympics.... Children enthusiastically work out how to recreate these sports. They create 'canoes' and 'bobsleighs' out of wooden planks and race each other.
Children have a sense of autonomy. They regularly make decisions for themselves. Children vote on things, such as which story to read at lunchtime.
Children behave well. They are kind, caring, and use good manners. Children listen attentively as staff give instructions.
For example, when it is time to put things away. Lunch is seen as a family occasion and children enjoy sitting together. Children confidently lay the table for their friends.
They patiently wait for their turn and skilfully serve themselves from dishes in the middle of the table. Children take part in activities where staff challenge gender stereotypes. Children talk about their similarities and differences as individuals.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nominated individual speaks passionately about early years education. She has a clear vision for the setting. The nominated individual regularly reflects on and evaluates the environment and resources provided.
Staff support children to problem-solve independently. They model using trial and error to solve problems. For example, children create a beanbag target using pen and paper.
They show positive attitudes to learning as they test out different methods to find the most successful way of scoring the most points. Children are proud of their achievements when they succeed at hitting the target. They excitedly write the number of points they scored on the chalkboard.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. Their needs are identified promptly. The SEND coordinator rapidly puts support into place to ensure they make good progress.
Staff use additional funding effectively to help children achieve their goals. For example, staff have attended training to enable them to support children's language development.Staff have high expectations of the children and their development.
Staff complete regular observations and assessments of the children and use this to determine any gaps in learning and development. They are well prepared for their next stage of learning, including starting school. However, staff do not consistently identify precise next steps for all children.
Children learn how to keep themselves safe. They help to risk assess the garden before play. Children work out if there are any potential hazards and what the possible solutions are.
For example, they decide the balancing beam might be slippery in the rain. They tell their friends to use it slowly.Staff work well with parents.
Parents feel they are actively involved in their children's experiences. They talk highly of the communication they receive about their children's development and progress. Parents comment that staff are, 'so thoughtful and an invaluable support network'.
The nominated individual holds regular supervision meetings with staff. However, her monitoring of teaching does not precisely identify how to develop staff's teaching skills further.Staff are positive role models.
They engage fully with children and are highly enthusiastic. Staff frequently praise and encourage the children as they play.Staff manage their workloads well.
They speak highly of the support received from the nominated individual. Staff comment that it feels like 'one big family'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The provider has comprehensive and clear safeguarding policies in place. Staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities around safeguarding. They have a secure knowledge of the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm.
Staff are confident in who to report concerns to, including concerns about practitioners. Staff regularly update their knowledge on current safeguarding issues. They know how to keep children safe while using the internet.
Staff teach children what to do if they come across something that worries them. The nominated individual implements thorough recruitment and vetting processes.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance the planning for children's next steps in learning to ensure they are more finely tuned to suit the individual needs of each child develop the monitoring of teaching to ensure it precisely identifies how to develop staff's teaching skills further.