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St Luke’s Church Hall, St Luke Road, Winton, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH3 7LT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff work well together to meet the needs of the children attending. They have clear processes to identify what each child and family needs to thrive, and go above and beyond to accommodate this.
This results in confident parents that work closely with staff, and children who settle very quickly on arrival. Children are very happy and confident as soon as they walk through the door. They are greeted by friendly staff and engage in activities of their choice and interest.
Leaders and staff have worked closely to develop an effective curriculum that focuses on children's readiness for school, their independence, their p...ersonal, social and emotional development and their communication and language. In practice, staff are clear about what they need to do to promote children's next steps. They also know how and when to do it during targeted small-group activities and during children's play.
Staff provide children with very clear expectations and boundaries, explaining the impact of their behaviour on others. Children learn to regulate their emotions, share and be helpful. Children are respectful of others and learn to say 'hello' in other languages.
Children show immense pride when others welcome them in their home language. Children with communication and language delays and those with English as an additional language, receive excellent support from staff. Staff work very closely with other professionals and parents to ensure children make the best possible progress.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
There are very strong partnerships with parents. Staff are extremely proactive in engaging with parents and giving them the help they need to support their children and continue learning at home. They work closely with parents to support children's oral health, for example, through providing more nutritious foods and caring for their children's teeth.
The setting provides each child with a toothbrush to use at home and teaches children how to use them.Children from different cultural backgrounds and their families receive positive input and respect from staff, who ensure children are valued and feel represented in the setting. The inclusive attitude and approach of staff reflects in children's kindness towards others.
Children enjoy playing outdoors during set times. They develop their curiosity and exploration. For example, they use guttering to watch how fast water travels and where it ends up.
Staff feel very well supported by the effective leadership and management team.They make good use of training and self-evaluation to bring about change. This has led them to develop a new curriculum that has clear intentions on what and how they want children to learn.
Leaders use innovative ways to value staff, such as rewarding the 'staff member of the month' with a gift, and they leave random notes and gifts of kindness for staff to find.Leaders use funding extremely well to support families and children. This is improving children's experiences at home and giving them more sessions at the setting.
This helps to increase children's rates of progress, particularly in their personal, social and emotional development, communication and language.Children have high levels of perseverance, and a 'can-do' attitude. They do things for themselves without being asked and confidently ask for help when they need it.
For example, at mealtimes, they get their own plates and cups, select their own foods from the options and pour their drinks and chop up fruit. At the end of the meal, they tidy their space so staff can clean it.Children show increasing concentration, especially during their own initiated play.
They get good support from staff, who use language very well to extend vocabulary and question them. They give children time to respond to questions and challenge them well to think for themselves. At times, during some group sessions, not all children always benefit as much as they could from the good learning opportunities taking place.
This impacts their engagement and interest.Staff are kind, caring and supportive. They are thoughtful and respectful of the children and this affects how children communicate and engage with each other.
Children recognise when they are unhappy about something or excited and verbalise this accordingly. They learn to adapt their behaviour to handle situations, so they do not lash out, but take themselves off to a quiet and safe place to gather their thoughts and emotions. Staff are very supportive of this and value all emotions equally.
Staff are effective teachers and focus successfully on preparing children for school. Children learn to be emotionally secure, manage their needs, and gain good verbal and listening skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The designated safeguarding lead, management and staff have a clear understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children from potential harm and abuse. They know who to go to when they have concerns and know the different local authority roles that support them and the families. Staff communicate very well to ensure they deploy themselves effectively to supervise and monitor children at all times.
They ensure a safe and secure environment, including outdoors, so children can explore safely. Managers monitor staff each day, so they can be reassured that staff are safe to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the support given to children during group times, to help them remain more interested and engaged, so that they fully benefit from the good learning opportunities offered.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.