Emmbrook Junior Funtastic Kids

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About Emmbrook Junior Funtastic Kids

Name Emmbrook Junior Funtastic Kids
Address Emmbrook Junior School, Emmbrook Road, WOKINGHAM, Berkshire, RG41 1JR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and eager to start their chosen play activities. They receive a warm welcome from the caring staff team, which helps them to settle quickly. Staff plan ample opportunities for children to develop their large-muscle skills.

Children experience a variety of physical games. For instance, they thoroughly enjoy playing football and tennis with the staff. Children create their own playground games with their friends.

They develop strong friendships with each other.Staff are skilful at supporting children to engage in purposeful play activities. Staff provide children with exciting opportunities to develop t...heir imaginations.

For example, children create pictures of lions by cutting a paper plate and painting pieces of pasta for the lions' fur. They design and draw different hair styles they would like in a pretend hairdressing salon. Children have plenty of opportunities to develop their own ideas through the vast amount of craft activities provided by the staff.

Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and encourage respectful relationships. Children are confident members of this club. They say that they have fun and love the club.

Children play harmoniously together. They are kind and thoughtful.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff encourage children to challenge their bodies physically.

Children show perseverance as they learn to use stilts. Furthermore, children play various ball games. However, occasionally, where children's interests move away from the planned activity, staff are less effective in providing these children with support.

Therefore, at times some children lose focus and are not fully engaged in their play.Leaders plan a welcoming club environment for the children. They make full use of the areas within the school to give children a mixture of play activities.

However, sometimes these activities are not well timed. For instance, staff interrupt children who are engrossed in their play to quickly move on to more routine events of the day.Staff deploy themselves well to help children as they play.

They communicate effectively as a team, ensuring children are always supported by a familiar adult. Children know the staff that care for them and invite them into their play. This helps children develop positive relationships.

Staff support children to develop an awareness of a healthy lifestyle. They encourage children to wash their hands before eating and to drink plenty of water after playing active games. Staff sit with children at mealtimes and encourage them to take care of their own belongings.

Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They teach children the rules of the club. Children respect each other's opinions when they play together.

This reinforces their self-confidence and emotional well-being.Staff gather information from parents about their children. For example, they find out about children's likes and dislikes, family members and any medical needs.

This provides continuity in meeting children's individual needs.Partnership with parents is strong. Staff share a wealth of information with parents.

As such, parents are complimentary about the consistency of the staff and how they know their children well. Parents report that their children thoroughly enjoy the different activities that they take part in and often ask to stay for teatime at the club.Leaders ensure there are rigorous recruitment procedures in place.

This helps to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Leaders work alongside staff, supporting their practice. Staff say that they feel valued by the management team, and they enjoy working at the club.

Leaders supports their staff team effectively. They mentor and supervise the staff well. Leaders encourages staff to reflect, evaluate and make plans for the ongoing development and improvement of the club.

Furthermore, the seek the views of children, who thank the staff team for the 'fun' experiences they provide at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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