First Steps Day Nursery Chipping Sodbury Limited

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About First Steps Day Nursery Chipping Sodbury Limited

Name First Steps Day Nursery Chipping Sodbury Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address First Steps Day Nursery, Hounds Road, Chipping Sodbury, BRISTOL, BS37 6EE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthGloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are warmly welcomed by the friendly and devoted staff, whom they have formed secure relationships with. Children are friendly and confidently talk about what they are doing. They behave exceptionally well and are respectful of their friends and staff.

Children say 'please' and 'thank you' and wait patiently for friends to finish activities. Staff have high expectations for children and are very good role models. Children respond well to clear routines and boundaries set.

As a result, children have a strong sense of belonging at the nursery.The nursery has a clear and ambitious curriculum. Staff securely embed ...this through their planning and daily practice.

Children show high levels of curiosity as they play and learn. Babies are inquisitive as they explore their environment. They enjoy the sensory experiences that staff offer.

They calmly listen to stories in the lit-up cosy area, or smell 'mint play dough' and lemons in a large plastic tray. Younger children show excitement as toy cars travel down the ramp they have made. Staff enthusiastically join in with children's play.

They skilfully use these moments to extend children's learning, such as their mathematical understanding. They discuss 'dividing fruit' and discussing shapes with the older children, such as mountains looking like triangles. Children benefit from the abundance of counting rhymes sung to them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnership with parents is strong. Parents have lots of positive things to say about the nursery. They share that staff make them feel very welcome and their children are 'in safe hands'.

Parents comment that there is a 'strong sense of community and belonging'. They feel included in every part of their child's learning and understand their next steps and progress. This helps encourage the continuity of care, learning and development.

Staff promote children's communication and language skills very well. They engage in conversation with the children as they play. Staff ask questions and allow the children time to think and respond.

They use facial expressions and attentively respond to the sounds babies make. Toddlers learn new vocabulary and are encouraged to add words together, such as 'green pen'. Older children communicate expressively using well-constructed sentences and an extensive vocabulary.

Staff carefully plan and provide a range of opportunities based on children's interests and what they need to learn next. This positively ignites children's curiosity and thirst for learning. Children particularly enjoy group-time activities.

They show delight as they join in with 'what is in the bag' or recall familiar phrases from stories. Overall, staff challenge children's abilities and check they understand what is being taught. However, occasionally, quieter children are not as fully engaged as their more vocal friends.

Therefore, they do not always benefit as much as possible from the learning experience.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities exceptionally well. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) is very knowledgeable in her role and keeps her training up to date.

She works closely with families and other professionals on children's targeted learning plans. This helps children to make good progress and promotes positive outcomes for them.Children learn to take manageable risks.

They skilfully use child safety knifes to slice their fruit for snack, and build an obstacle course outside. They develop their physical skills as they balance across the tyres and objects in place. Children have excellent attitudes to learn as they persevere when faced with difficulties.

This helps develop children's self-esteem and resilience.Children have plenty of opportunities for fresh air and play in secure outside areas. Children excitedly chase bubbles that staff have blown for them or move small logs to look for worms.

They visit the local butcher's and greengrocer's with staff to buy ingredients for the nursery cook. Children borrow resources from the library to further support their learning. They have recently borrowed and enjoyed 'healthy eating' and 'road safety' boxes.

The management team have clear ambition for the nursery. They hold regular supervisions with the staff, supporting their professional development and well-being. Staff comment that they are very supported, valued and have manageable workloads.

They enthusiastically talk about recent training they have attended, such as 'language champions'. Staff expertly use these skills to improve the outcomes for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding children is the utmost priority in the nursery. Staff implement effective risk assessments to ensure that children play and learn safely. They supervise children very well, including during meal and sleep times.

Staff take part in regular training to keep their knowledge up to date. They are confident in identifying any signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm or abuse. Staff know how to report any concerns and the procedures to follow.

This includes if they have a concern about a colleague's conduct. Recruitment procedures and suitability checks are in place to ensure children's safety.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff's implementation of group times to consistently meet the needs of all children who take part, especially those who are quieter than others.

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