Fish Chudleigh Town Hall

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About Fish Chudleigh Town Hall

Name Fish Chudleigh Town Hall
Address Chudleigh Town Hall, Market Way, Chudleigh, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 0HL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The club is well organised and welcoming. Staff greet children warmly from school and talk to them about their day.

Children arrive enthusiastically; keen to find out about which activities are available in the session. The children's views and interests play a central part in the planning process. Children choose activities that are of interest to them.

Staff encourage children to evaluate these by asking them how they feel the activities went. Staff record their opinions on to an evaluation sheet to adapt or change for next time, where necessary. Children colour in a smiley face to represent how they felt about the activ...ity.

Children behave exceptionally well. They have a clear understanding of the rules and boundaries of the club, always adhering to them. Children of all ages play cooperatively and respectfully.

Children comment how staff are friendly and about the activities they enjoy. They talk about how staff listen to their opinions and incorporate their ideas. For example, children ask if they can make dough or build a den.

Staff embrace this and enable children to carry these out.Children are highly confident and able to express their views and needs effectively. They have formed positive relationships with staff, who are caring and nurturing.

Children talk positively about their achievements. Children write their name on a piece of paper and place it in the 'star jar' when they have accomplished a goal. Staff randomly select a name from the jar and the chosen child receives a small gift.

Children enthusiastically talk about working as a team to enable all children to accomplish their achievements.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children benefit from a range of rich play experiences. They enjoy making bird feeders from paper cups, lard and bird seed.

Children attach kebab sticks through the cup so the birds can perch when feeding. They then enthusiastically make other bird feeders for the club. Children and staff discuss the best place to hang them.

Parents report positively on the club. They comment how their children enjoy coming, how staff are flexible and approachable and of the information shared. Parents of children within the early years complete 'all about me' forms so staff can cater to their interests and individual needs to ensure children's well-being.

The club has strong links with the local school. The manager works within the school during the day and children are familiar with the consistency between here and the club. The sharing of information with teaching staff is effective to ensure children's welfare.

Additionally, the manager uses information about activities children are learning at school and extends these at the club. For instance, children learn about the world around them and make creative caterpillars using a variety of materials.Children are highly independent.

They know to wash their hands before eating snacks and then confidently choose from a healthy selection of foods, such as French bread and sultanas. Children pour their own drinks and then freely access the resources available.Staff attend frequent training to keep their knowledge up to date and use this to benefit children's experiences.

Children learn how to make jewellery from wood and about basic survival skills, such as making a campfire. Children comment how they also enjoy baking activities and making ice poles.Outside, children receive opportunities to run, climb and develop their physical skills.

They enjoy playing in the nearby park where they climb, balance, slide and swing. When back at the club, they play group games, such as 'piggy-in-the-middle' and 'dodgeball', enjoying the social experience.The provider and the manager are passionate about their role and are keen to consistently improve the club.

They would like to increase more opportunities for children to play outside and plan to provide them with a cosy space, where children can relax or read a book to support their emotional well-being.The manager and staff attend regular supervision meetings with the area manager to ensure their ongoing suitability. They comment on how they are effectively supported by the provider and staff morale is high.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider ensures the manager and staff attend regular child protection training and know how to respond to any concerns they may have about children's welfare. Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure children remain safe.

For example, when at the local park, staff stand by the exit gates to ensure children stay within the area. Children respond immediately when staff use safety phrases. Children quickly assemble to a nearby staff member before heading out of the park together.

When walking back to the club, children wear high-visibility jackets and walk in pairs. Staff position themselves to ensure all children are safe. Staff carefully stop the traffic on pedestrian crossings, before enabling children to cross the road.

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