Fortis Green Nursery

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About Fortis Green Nursery

Name Fortis Green Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Fortis Green Nursery Group, 70 Fortis Green, LONDON, N2 9EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children and babies settle extremely well in this calm, happy and welcoming nursery. They thrive in an environment that is centred around children's curiosities. Children are keen to get involved in the activities on offer and show positive attitudes to learning.

Staff get to know children very well through a robust settling-in process that is adapted to meet the needs of each child. This allows children to develop strong relationships with their key person, as well as the co-key person and other familiar nursery staff.The curriculum is designed to follow the interests of the children.

Books and stories are used as a h...ook for learning to support children's language development and a love of stories. Children benefit from many early literacy opportunities. They sing songs and have access to books inside and outside.

Children develop valuable skills during their time at nursery. Children are familiar with routines. They confidently put on their coats before they go outside.

Staff regularly give children praise. This helps them to gain confidence in their own abilities. Children's behaviour is good.

They develop friendships and play cooperatively with each other. Staff are good role models and help children to learn good manners and follow expected behaviour. Children gain a good understanding of how their behaviour can affect others.

Children talk about how sharing can make them feel happy.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children benefit from a range of physical activities. Babies use soft play and indoor climbing equipment to help to develop their muscles when learning to walk.

Older children run outside energetically. They enjoy riding on wheeled toys and pushing pedals.Partnerships with parents are extremely strong.

Parents are delighted in their choice of nursery for their children, and comment on the progress that their children make. Many have used the nursery for several years to care for their growing families, and truly appreciate the guidance and support that staff provide.Staff provide opportunities for children to talk about their feelings.

They encourage children to use mirrors to identify their facial expressions. Children confidently share how they are feeling, such as 'happy' or 'sad', and why. This helps children to express their emotions within the daily routine.

Children, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, receive individual, tailored support. Their needs are met well. Staff actively engage and share information with other professionals, support parents, and help to ensure that children achieve their full potential.

All children make significant progress from their starting point.Staff receive regular supervision sessions and attend staff meetings. Leaders support staff in their professional development and ensure that staff can discuss any health and well-being issues of their own.

Staff value these opportunities and feel that they are well supported.Children develop their understanding of the world as they take part in first-hand experiences, such as growing plants. Staff plan activities that reflect children's languages and cultures.

Staff sing dual-language rhymes, and parents are invited in to read stories in their home language.Staff narrates as children play and clearly emphasise key words in their interactions to help enhance their vocabulary. Children learn words such as 'lava' and 'eruption'.

Staff interactions with babies are gentle and endearing. Babies delight as staff playfully engage with them. This helps their understanding and speaking skills.

Children gain some independence and self-care skills. They find their own placemats at lunchtime and tidy away after play. However, occasionally, in their eagerness to help, staff complete tasks for children rather than encouraging them to have a go first.

For example, staff serve meals and pour drinks for older children. This means that children are not always able to build on their existing independence or extend their self-help skills further as part of their preparation for school.Overall, staff demonstrate that they have a clear vision for what they want children to learn.

However, on occasions, when planning role-play activities, staff do not fully consider the range of resources they need to help them deliver the intended learning. For example, children were provided with a body weighing scale to weigh the plastic fruits and vegetables in their greengrocer shop. This has an impact on their ability to fully understand certain mathematical concepts, such as weighing.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to understand the importance of children using their self-help skills consistently at every opportunity, to develop their independence consider the organisation of role-play activities to ensure that all staff understand how to securely implement all learning intentions.

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