Harden Holiday Club

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About Harden Holiday Club

Name Harden Holiday Club
Address Harden Primary School, Long Lane, Harden, Bingley, BD16 1LJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bradford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children feel very happy and safe at this warm and friendly holiday club. Children know the club well and happily play with their friends throughout their day. The allocated spaces within the school, both indoors and outside, are very safe and secure.

Staff are deployed well and consistently support children to engage in their play. Children have access to a wide range of stimulating play resources and planned activities. Older children tell the inspector about how much fun they have at the holiday club.

For example, children love the cookery activities provided and visits from the holiday club dog.The manager gathers a we...alth of information about the children before they start. This helps children settle into the holiday club quickly.

Staff have high expectations of the children and treat them with respect. They care for the children with kindness and compassion and act as excellent role models. These attitudes are reflected in the children's excellent behaviour.

For example, older children support younger children during a dough activity. They share their dough with the younger children and eagerly show them how to roll small balls. Younger children delight in the activity and are proud of their efforts.

Children are developing good levels of self-esteem at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is passionate about the service she provides. She is extremely organised and knowledgeable about how children learn and develop.

She takes every step to promote inclusion. For example, she offers funded and discounted places for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.Children have meaningful bonds with staff.

For example, they enjoy singing songs together and are motivated to help staff with the daily routines. This helps children to feel safe and secure at the holiday club.The manager has developed a robust partnership with the leadership team at the on-site school.

She has also developed professional relationships with the other settings children attend. This ensures that children experience continuity of care.The staff plan many enrichment activities.

For example, children have visited the St Ives estate and adventure playground, enjoyed trips into the local community, and partake in regular countryside walks. Children are developing a good understanding of the world in which they live.Children have lots of access to fresh air and physical play.

A group of children excitedly play hide and seek and are effectively supported with their counting skills. Two-year-old children fill buckets with rubber gravel and are encouraged to balance on wooden beams. Children are developing a love of the outdoors and physical activity.

The environment promotes communication and language development. Staff consistently role model good language and the children enjoy lots of singing activities throughout their day.Children are supported well to understand their feelings and emotions.

For example, at lunchtime, staff take time to talk to the children at their table about feelings. They sensitively discuss how to be kind and considerate to others. Children describe what makes them feel happy.

These conversations help children understand and regulate their emotions.Children's voices are heard and respected. For example, children are regularly asked about what activities they have enjoyed at the club.

The manager uses the children's responses to shape the activities provided. This helps children feel they are listened to and respected.Although the children do not play with electronic devices within the setting, staff support children to learn how to keep themselves safe when being online at home.

Parent partnerships are very strong, and they are very happy with the holiday club. They report that communication is excellent and enjoy being regularly updated about what their children have been doing. Parents describe how supportive the team are.

They appreciate how they go 'over and above' to meet the needs of their children.Staff are very happy in their jobs. They report that they love coming to work and feel extremely supported by the manager.

They have regular professional development opportunities to further their knowledge and understanding of child development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider's recruitment and induction procedures are thorough and ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

All staff are alert to the signs and symptoms of abuse. They know who to report concerns about a child's welfare to. They know who to report allegations to if they have concerns about an adult working in the club.

Staff have knowledge of different safeguarding issues, such as grooming and female genital mutilation and the 'Prevent' duty. The play environment is safe and secure, and equipment is in a good state of repair and fit for purpose. All staff hold current paediatric first-aid certificates.

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