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About Hardwick 3.15 Cambourne
Hardwick 3.15 Cambourne
Hardwick And Cambourne Community School, Sheepfold Lane, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6FL
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision does not meet requirements Measures to ensure that children are consistently safe at the club are not effective. Leaders and managers have not considered the risks to children's safety and welfare when they are playing in the outdoor environment. An efficient system is in place to collect children from the host school and walk them to the club.
Staff communicate with children's teachers, who pass on any relevant information about the children's day. Staff have a good rapport with the children, who eagerly respond to staff's questions about how their day has been. Young children talk enthusiastically about what they are looking forward to playing with... at the club, especially the game of bingo with their peers.
Children show good levels of confidence as staff implement consistent daily routines, which means children feel safe and know what is expected of them. For example, on arrival, children independently wash their hands ready for snack. They enjoy the freedom and choice when making their own wraps and choosing from a variety of healthy fillings.
Children compliment each other on their wrap-making skills and express how they taste 'delicious'. On occasion, staff do not provide a consistent approach to further develop children's understanding of expected behaviours and to support their self-regulation.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers have failed to identify potential hazards that compromise children's safety.
They do not consider the risks children are exposed to when they are playing outdoors. For example, unknown adults can freely gain access to this area and children could leave the premises unattended. This is because staff are not vigilant enough and do not consistently supervise children.
Parents regularly share information with staff about the support their children require while at the club. However, when older children find it difficult to regulate their behaviour, staff do not respond swiftly enough or deliver consistent and effective action to ensure the well-being and safety of the younger children and others.The indoor area provides a welcoming environment where children play, have fun and build secure friendships with peers and staff.
Resources are easily accessible, and these help children to make independent choices and lead their own play. Staff kindly support children to find their favourite books that they have a particular interest in. Younger children delight in physical play outdoors, where they practise their throwing and catching skills with their peers.
However, older children say that the resources available do not match their interests enough to ensure that they consistently enjoy attending the club.Overall, parents applaud the good communication they receive from the staff. They appreciate the friendly and accommodating staff who are flexible and respond swiftly to last minute requests.
However, parents of older children describe how their child tells them they do not feel staff always listen or help them to resolve conflicts they have with their peers.Children are encouraged to be independent, and staff provide meaningful praise when they put their plates in the dishwasher after their snack. Children develop good hygiene routines as they wash hands independently before eating and use tongs to serve their food.
Staff are on hand at snack time to ensure younger children remain safe and their needs are consistently met. For example, staff remind children to eat their breadstick a little slower to ensure that they do not choke.Generally, children make close friendships and play cooperatively with each other.
Older children are extremely helpful and kind to their younger peers, when during a group game of bingo, they point to numbers they had not identified. Children squeal with excitement as they place a token on the number. Staff provide meaningful praise for these acts of kindness that encourage them to repeat these positive behaviours.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure that children cannot leave the premises unsupervised and take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised persons entering the premises 24/07/2024 ensure that children's behaviour is managed in a suitable way that maintains the safety and well-being of all children.
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