Heath Hayes Early Learners

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About Heath Hayes Early Learners

Name Heath Hayes Early Learners
Ofsted Inspections
Address Heath Hayes CP School, Wimblebury Road, Heath Hayes, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS12 2EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The friendly and caring staff greet children warmly as they arrive at the nursery. Children settle quickly and happily separate from their parents.

They learn from a good range of enjoyable 'in the moment' experiences that expand on what children know and enjoy. Children are making good progress from their starting points. They confidently make selections from the thoughtfully presented resources and toys on offer.

For example, children eagerly choose from a range of dressing-up outfits and take on roles in their play. Children are very well behaved. They receive an abundance of praise for their positive behaviour and ...achievements.

For example, children successfully write their name on a whiteboard and take pride in being rewarded for their efforts with praise and stickers. This helps children to feel valued and to raise their self-esteem. Children have wonderful opportunities to explore outside.

They have lots of fun taking part in regular activities in the woodland area where they learn about the natural world. Staff provide a good range of resources in the outside area that promote all areas of learning. Children demonstrate high levels of sustained interest in a range of activities.

For example, they dig and play in the sand and enjoy being creative as they make flags to put in their sandcastles.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff help children to explore their differences and develop a strong sense of community. For example, children enjoy visiting the elderly residents at the local care home, where they take part in shared activities.

Children benefit from opportunities to learn about people who help us. For instance, the manager invites local people into the nursery to share information about their occupations.Staff help to develop children's awareness of the wider world and different cultures through craft activities, role play and books.

Children respond well to instructions and help to tidy away the toys before mealtimes. Staff speak to the children in a calm and respectful manner and support children to understand what is expected from them. However, at times, the organisation during routines causes disruption to children's learning and enjoyment.

Staff encourage children to make predictions. For example, children excitedly take part in testing if a block of ice will float or sink in the water. The more confident children enthusiastically communicate their ideas and opinions.

Staff give children time to answer and respond to questions and value what they say. However, on occasions, staff miss opportunities to interact with the less confident children during group activities, to ensure they are fully included and engaged in learning as much as possible.Staff skilfully weave areas of learning into children's play and activities.

For example, during snack time, staff ask them if they would like a 'circle cracker' or a 'square cracker'. Children practise their hand-to-eye coordination using scissors to cut out shapes and make marks using pens on paper. Staff encourage children to be independent and manage their own self-care skills in preparation for their eventual move to school.

Children learn how to take care of and nurture living things. For example, staff teach children to feed the nursery's pet rabbits and help to keep them clean and healthy. Children display a love for books.

They confidently talk about how they take books outside and read to the rabbits. Each week children take turns to take home a soft toy and a range of books to share with their families. This helps to extend children's reading at home.

Parent partnerships are effective and parents speak highly of the nursery. They say their children are extremely happy and have grown in confidence. They state their children have come on 'leaps and bounds' since attending the nursery.

The manager and staff share daily information with parents and invite them to contribute to their child's online learning journey.The manager ensures that all children are assigned a member of staff as a key person. Children form close bonds with their key person and enjoy the interaction they receive from them.

Staff carry out observations on the children and use tracking to swiftly identify and close any gaps in children's learning. The manager is passionate for the success of the nursery. She values her staff and is committed to providing high levels of education and care for all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have completed mandatory safeguarding training. They keep up to date with their knowledge and the manager carries out on-the-spot questions with her staff.

The manager and her staff have a robust understanding of signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of neglect or abuse. They have a good understanding of wider safeguarding concerns, including being drawn into extreme situations. The manager and staff have a clear understanding of safeguarding protocols and actions to take if they have any concerns about the welfare of a child.

All staff are trained in paediatric first aid. The manager carries out appropriate checks for new staff, to assess and ensure their suitability to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of routines to ensure children's enjoyment and learning is not disrupted nenhance teaching practice during group activities, to ensure less confident children have opportunities to express their ideas and are fully included.

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