Heather Grove Montessori Nursery

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About Heather Grove Montessori Nursery

Name Heather Grove Montessori Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 1 Warrington Road, Cuddington, NORTHWICH, Cheshire, CW8 2LH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireWestandChester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is goodnThe leadership team is ambitious and has high expectations for the staff. The well-qualified and dedicated staff team is committed to delivering high-quality nursery experiences for all children. nPartnerships with parents are extremely well established.

Staff work closely with parents to ensure children's individual needs are met. They involve parents in all aspects of their children's learning. Parents are complimentary and state, 'I am absolutely delighted with the service and care provided by the nursery'.

nThe nursery environment is exceptionally well planned and stimulating. Children of all ages access a range of captivating opportunities whic...h ignite their curiosity. They are motivated to learn and engage in all activities.

For example, children make mushroom salad in the mud kitchen. They chop up the vegetables with real tools and use the teapots to transfer the water, demonstrating good control and dexterity. nChildren have an excellent understanding of how to identify risks and keep themselves safe.

For example, staff involve them in completing daily risk assessments, using red triangles to identify any hazards in the environment. They discuss these hazards and how to reduce any risks posed. nChildren are extremely happy and settled.

They make independent choices in their play and confidently explore their environment. Children behave exceptionally well and they are extremely kind and considerate to others. nThe support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is excellent.

Staff attend specific training related to children's individual needs. For example, they have attended specialist sign language training and introduced the use of signs to support children's developing language and communication skills. nAlthough some staff's teaching is outstanding, this is not consistent throughout the nursery and leads to some variations in the standard of teaching and learning.

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