Hessle Pre-School Nursery

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About Hessle Pre-School Nursery

Name Hessle Pre-School Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 44 Ferriby Road, Hessle, North Humberside, HU13 0HT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority EastRidingofYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Children clearly enjoy attending the nursery. The environment is a bright, homely and welcoming environment.

Children are greeted by staff who are genuinely delighted to see them. They benefit from positive interactions with staff. Children demonstrate high levels of self-esteem and confidence and all ages of children behave well.

• The well-qualified staff demonstrate consistently good-quality teaching practice across all rooms. They are enthusiastic, animated and their passion for their roles is evident. Children benefit from teaching that is well planned and delivered with knowledge, confidence and dedication.

• All children make good... progress in relation to their starting points, including those who receive funded early education. Staff monitor children's progress using a detailed system that helps pinpoint and target any gaps in their learning. • Staff provide pre-school children with some opportunities to learn about the wider world they live in.

For example, they occasionally visit the local allotments and shops. However, younger children, in particular, have fewer opportunities to build on their knowledge of people and the community they live in, beyond their immediate experience. • Managers strive to make continual improvements to the overall quality and standards of the nursery.

They are a close-knit team that supports and involves all staff, children and parents in the process of self-evaluation. Managers have identified staff training as an area for improvement and have recently installed an online training system. However, they have not yet fully implemented plans to use this as part of a wide-ranging approach to continued professional development.

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