High Fliers Holiday Club

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About High Fliers Holiday Club

Name High Fliers Holiday Club
Address Clifton Lodge Preparatory School, 8 Mattock Lane, London, W5 5BG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show happiness and enjoyment at this friendly and welcoming club. They demonstrate high levels of confidence as they quickly settle down to play with the wide range of resources.

Nurturing adults make children feel secure as they engage in play, and help them to settle into their day. For example, children play with toy animals, describing their features and what foods they eat. The atmosphere is very positive.

Children play along to calming music and share stories with their friends. They make choices about their activities and spend long periods engaged in their play. For example, they build interesting structur...es from blocks, such as houses and prisons.

Adults do not rush them. This results in a truly calming environment for children. Children become immersed in arts and crafts.

They create an array of brightly coloured sea creatures from paper plates. They use shiny sequins to create scales on fish and add tissue-paper legs to jellyfish. Outside, children demonstrate core strength and agility as they perform flips and spins on the beams and climb to the top of the climbing wall.

They have a good understanding of risk and challenge and how to stay safe.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children behave incredibly well at the club. They listen well to instructions and follow the rules of the setting.

Adults model positive behaviours consistently and offer praise, valuing children's contributions and efforts. All children show genuine kindness to others. They play together as they create shapes from connecting straws.

Children share ideas about their building projects and collaborate well to create models.Adults take time to listen and respond to children. As children share their experiences, adults listen carefully.

They support children's thinking and encourage them to develop the conversation. As a result, children are developing superb communication skills. They show joy and delight as they tell adults about a recent trip to the aquarium.

Children have developed a strong sense of positive identity. They explain with pride the country they are from. They share experiences about their trips to their country of origin and the foods that they enjoy.

Adults embrace these discussions and celebrate what makes each child unique.The founder, who is also the manager, has a positive and inspiring vision. She supports her highly qualified staff team through regular feedback discussions and encourages idea-sharing.

Adults are passionate about their roles. They provide fun and engaging activities that include children's interests and contributions. Adults take every opportunity to extend children's knowledge as they play.

For instance, when children identify which dinosaurs are herbivores, adults link this to children's vegetarian diets.Children are developing a good awareness of healthy lifestyles. They have regular access to fresh air and vigorous physical exercise.

They enjoy their snack and lunch, making healthy choices about what to eat first. They ensure that they balance their food intake at snack and save enough food for lunchtime.The manager gathers comprehensive information from parents before children join.

This includes details such as emergency contacts, medical conditions and children's interests. Children are listed on the daily register. The manager ensures that their arrival and departure is recorded.

Children express their feelings and emotions confidently. Adults have created a trusting and secure environment for children. As a result, children can tell adults when they feel tired or want to play inside.

Children are encouraged to explain choices to adults and help to make decisions. For example, when younger children think they would like to join the older children for art sessions, adults fully support children in making these choices.Children's safety is well considered.

Policies and procedures, as well as robust risk assessments, ensure children's safety at the club. Adults are vigilant about the surroundings and supervise children at all times. Children are supported to identify when their play might not be safe.

For example, when they face the wrong way on the climbing wall, they quickly remember the rules and turn the right way.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have a secure understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.

This includes how to raise concerns in the event of an allegation made against them. Staff attend regular training to keep their skills and knowledge up to date. They have a good knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse, including changes in children's behaviour.

They demonstrate knowledge of a range of broader topics, such as county lines and female genital mutilation. Leaders carry out robust checks on staff. This ensures that only staff who are suitable have access to children.

Also at this postcode
Clifton Lodge School

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