Highfield Church Centre

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About Highfield Church Centre

Name Highfield Church Centre
Address Highfield Church Centre, Highfield Lane, SOUTHAMPTON, SO17 1RL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the setting with confidence and enthusiasm. They are greeted by the welcoming and friendly staff, which helps children to feel safe and secure.

Children form positive relationships with staff and each other. Staff gently encourage them to follow rules and procedures on arrival. Children chat excitedly to one another as they queue during the snack routine.

Staff support children's health and well-being. Children choose from a range of healthy snacks, such as fruit, cheese and bread. Additionally, staff provide opportunities for children to try foods from different cultures.

Children are confident... communicators. Staff engage children in conversation and introduce new words. Children enjoy sharing their ideas for play.

They talk positively about what they like doing at the after-school club. Staff help children understand and have respect for different faiths and beliefs. For instance, children enjoy Christmas crafts and making dreidels for Hanukkah.

Children participate in activities together. They demonstrate a good understanding of turn-taking. Staff encourage children of all ages to play together and work as a team.

For instance, older and younger children enthusiastically form a conga line and dance and sing along to Christmas songs. This helps children to feel valued and included.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders regularly evaluate the provision.

They work closely with the local authority. For instance, leaders have recently worked together with the church centre to place a bid to improve the outdoor space. A new fence would further ensure that children are safe and secure.

Staff have opportunities to attend regular training. Leaders hold regular debriefs for staff to reflect on ways of improving their continuous professional development. Staff comment that leaders support them well.

Relationships with parents are good. Parents speak highly of the warm and friendly staff. They comment that staff 'exhibit great care towards children'.

Staff keep parents well informed of children's experiences at the club.Overall, children behave well. They demonstrate that they enjoy their time at the club.

Staff encourage older children to support younger children. This helps older children to feel valued and younger children to feel safe and secure. Children learn to share and take turns.

However, at times, older children's enthusiasm can result in play that is boisterous and loud. This means that staff have to raise their voices to be heard.Staff know children well.

They tailor experiences for children based on their interests. They seek children's ideas for play. This helps all children to be motivated and focused.

Staff thoughtfully plan activities to incorporate seasonal topics, such as 'pin the nose on the reindeer'. This helps to ensure that experiences for children are fun and enjoyable.Children have plenty of access to fresh air and exercise.

Staff closely monitor children's play at all times. Children enjoy activities such as football and tag. Staff gently remind children to follow rules to help keep them safe outdoors.

Staff support all children to look after their own needs. They encourage children to wash their hands before mealtimes and put away their belongings on arrival. Children confidently choose foods to eat for snack.

This helps to support their skills in independence.Children have access to a language-rich environment. Staff support children's communication and language development well.

They initiate conversation with children. Children chat happily to staff and each other during activities. Staff encourage children to take turns.

They support children to recognise the importance of listening to one another. This helps to build the confidence of younger children as they settle in.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have a robust recruitment and vetting system in place to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff know the signs and symptoms of abuse and procedures to follow if they are concerned for a child's safety. They have access to the essential contact information to report concerns.

They carry out regular risk assessments, so that the premises are safe and secure. Staff maintain a safe, clean and secure environment. They are well deployed to meet the needs of the children, which contributes to keeping children safe.

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