Hitchin Fun Club At Highbury School

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About Hitchin Fun Club At Highbury School

Name Hitchin Fun Club At Highbury School
Address Highbury Infant School, Standhill Road, HITCHIN, Hertfordshire, SG4 9AG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate confidence and courtesy at this busy and friendly after-school club. Older children socialise with the younger children frequently, and genuinely enjoy each other's company.

They choose to sit together at mealtimes and discuss interesting subjects such as whether or not baked beans are a vegetable. Staff embed routines and provide an environment that suits children's needs. Children behave well and follow instruction because there are clear expectations.

For example, staff shake a tambourine to indicate children need to stop and listen. Children respond by freezing and holding their hands in the air. S...taff play energetically outside with children as they join in playing running games and hopscotch.

Children use their whole bodies as they jump, hop and run, competing with spirit against each other in races.Staff help younger children to learn about negotiation skills and then allow them to have a go themselves. For example, when children struggle to understand how to play a board game, staff join in and then skilfully step back when children are able to mediate between themselves.

This allows children to practise vital skills in safe situations. They continue to play the game and successfully challenge each other about following the rules. Children spend time using their imagination.

They construct house rafts out of construction materials. They dress up as their favourite characters and role play different story lines.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide an emotionally secure environment for children.

They arrive happily and settle to play quickly with their friends. Staff know the children well and provide activities and resources that interest them. Children have the opportunity to relax away from the busy activities.

Staff check on them regularly, gently encouraging them as and when they are ready to join in again. Children report they would go to a club grown up if they were worried.Staff provide a variety of games with the children to develop their personal and social skills.

They encourage children to listen, take turns and problem solve. However, sometimes the staff do not adapt the game well enough to keep older children engaged to the end.Staff develop appropriate partnerships with parents and staff at the school.

Parents report good communication with the club staff. They state the staff listen to feedback and, as a result, are planning outings for the holiday club sessions.The club is well organised.

The staff report high well-being and feel supported by the manager. They use a rota system to divide up the tasks and communicate well with each other. This helps develop team morale.

Staff help build on children's knowledge of healthy lifestyles. They offer nutritious foods that include fruit and vegetables. Children also practise good hygiene procedures and play outdoors daily.

Safety is a high priority. The manager deploys staff effectively to supervise the children. The register is kept up to date and the outdoor area is thoroughly checked prior to use.

For example, staff close all gates used by the parents at the end of the school day before the after-school club children use the playground.The manager supports staff with the development of their practice. The qualified manager and deputy spend time observing staff working.

They follow up by talking to staff about how to develop their interactions with children.The management committee has reflected on the previous weaknesses and put measures in place to ensure all members who are involved in the operation of the club are suitable. Furthermore, they have considered the procedures for the future, so that the same issues do not reoccur.

There are adequate procedures in place for all aspects of the club operation, including sensitive data.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Highbury Infant School and Nursery

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