Holiplay Kids Club - Ryelands

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About Holiplay Kids Club - Ryelands

Name Holiplay Kids Club - Ryelands
Address Oasis Academy Ryelands Primary School, Oakley Road, London, SE25 4XG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settled.

They have good relationships with their friends and play cooperatively. Older children support younger children, creating a family atmosphere. Children have good relationships with staff.

They talk about their day and show their outfits worn for World Book Day. Children also tell staff if they have any concerns, showing they feel safe and secure at the club. Children show a good understanding of expectations of their behaviour.

When staff clap a rhythm, children copy and clap the rhythm back and know to then be quiet and listen. Children follow staff's instructions well, and older c...hildren help staff, for example, by helping to clear away after teatime. Children show a good sense of belonging.

They enthusiastically say the club anthem and join in with the actions. Children are becoming independent learners. They follow their own interests and choose toys and activities they want to play with.

Children have good opportunities to develop their physical skills. They enjoy outside play, including team games where they learn to follow the rules of the game. They develop their coordination while using the large climbing apparatus and show good spatial awareness while playing ball games.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Younger children play imaginative games while dressing up and using large cars and trucks. They also enjoy some quiet activities, such as playing board games and card games with staff. This helps them to learn about taking turns and supports their mathematical skills.

Staff work cooperatively to ensure children are supported well and supervised at all times.Staff successfully embed continuous improvement into their practice. They have a daily briefing to discuss what went well at the club, any concerns and what they can improve.

Staff complete regular supervision sessions with managers and have good opportunities to complete training, which aids their professional development.The provider takes swift action when any concerns are raised and reviews practice with staff. As a result, they have recently made changes to enhance the organisation of the holiday club arrival routines.

They have also reviewed some of the outings procedures, such as trips to the cinema, to ensure children gain the best possible experience.Children benefit from relaxed and sociable mealtimes after school. They enjoy a variety of healthy teatime meals, including fruit and vegetables.

They choose the foods they want to eat and they sit and chat with their friends. Children show good personal independence as they know to wash their hands before and after meals.Staff plan a good range of activities after school and during school holidays, including frequent trips to places of interest, local parks and the cinema.

This enables children to gain a variety of experiences and learn about the community in which they live.Parents say that their children love coming to the club. They say that their children are happy and enjoy the activities.

Parents comment that communication is good. The provider sends them lots of information about the club, and staff tell them about what their children have been doing at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have completed training in safeguarding and child protection. They understand the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about children's welfare or if an allegation is raised. Good systems are in place for parents to share all details about their children, including any additional needs or dietary requirements.

The provider ensures robust vetting and recruitment procedures are in place and monitors staff's ongoing suitability to work with children during regular staff supervision sessions. All required documents are maintained to ensure the safe and effective management of the service. Staff complete regular risk assessments of the premises, activities and outings to promote children's health and safety effectively.

Also at this postcode
Oasis Academy Ryelands

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