Holiplay Kids Club Downsview

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About Holiplay Kids Club Downsview

Name Holiplay Kids Club Downsview
Address Downsview Junior Infant & Nursery School, Biggin Way, London, SE19 3XE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a wide range of activities that the children find interesting. Staff talk to the children about what they want to do and follow their interests. Children feel excited to come to the holiday club.

They enjoy contributing to the planning of the activities and sharing their ideas. Children play football, make up dance routines and partake in arts and crafts activities. Each week the children get to make choices about what they want to do during the 'camper's choice' activity session.

Staff are flexible and change the routine according to the children's requests. All children are very relaxed and happy. Staff shar...e their expectations of children with them very clearly.

They spend time with children as a group, and one to one, explaining the rules of the holiday club with them. Children learn that these rules help to keep them safe. Staff regularly remind the children of the expectations on them in a way that they understand.

Staff communicate well to make sure that children are well supervised. They spend time making sure all the children are happy and productive. Children feel a sense of belonging and security, as they build new friendships.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan effectively to create a wide range of activities for the children. They consider the needs and interests of children of all ages. Children enjoy sharing their own talents with staff and other children.

For example, children who enjoy crocheting teach each other to create different items from wool.Staff plan for children to spend extended periods of time outside each day. They help them to play on the large climbing equipment.

Staff teach children to ride on bicycles and scooters safely. They play football with the children and encourage them to run, climb and jump. Children enjoy being physically active.

They are confident and resilient as they take appropriate risks in their play.Staff get to know the children well. When children are new to the holiday club, staff support them to make new friends and join in.

Children know that they can ask staff for help. Staff check on children individually to make sure that they are happy and have something to do.Staff work hard to encourage children to listen and follow the holiday club rules.

Children stop and listen when staff say 'holi' and the children reply, 'play'. The manager is aware that some staff are more experienced than others at getting the children to listen in groups. He is supporting all staff to share their skills and knowledge.

All staff are able to build their skills over time.The manager creates policies and procedures to ensure that children are safe. Staff consider how they supervise children in each area of the holiday club, both inside and out.

They seamlessly work together to make sure that children take turns to spend time in all the areas.The manager ensures that the holiday club is inclusive. He works with external partners to access funding for children where appropriate.

He considers the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and ensures that all children are well supported.Staff ensure that children eat a healthy lunch. They obtain information about children's dietary requirements, preferences, and food allergies.

Staff make sure that they adhere to this information accordingly.Parents are happy with the care that children receive at the holiday club. They say that the staff build warm and trusting relationships with the children.

Parents report that children are happy to spend time at the holiday club and make friends.The manager is reflective of his practice. He regularly organises continuous professional development opportunities for staff.

All staff enjoy working at the holiday club. They feel valued as they continue to develop their knowledge over time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager has robust policies and procedures to keep children safe. These are effectively shared and understood by all staff. It is evident in the day-to-day running of the holiday club that staff work well together to keep children safe.

Staff have a strong understanding of the safeguarding issues that may affect children. They regularly attend training to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. Staff know the action to take in the event of a concern about a child.

They know how to report their concerns. Staff know the procedure for reporting concerns relating to adults. They regularly carry out risk assessments of the holiday club to make sure that areas are hazard free.

Also at this postcode
Downsview Primary and Nursery School

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