Holy Family Larks & Owls Club

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About Holy Family Larks & Owls Club

Name Holy Family Larks & Owls Club
Address Holy Family Catholic Primary School, Penny Park Lane, Keresley, Coventry, CV6 2GU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and enthusiastic to the out-of-school club. They quickly settle into the familiar routine of activities.

These help children to practise and build on the skills they acquire in school. Younger children are cared for in their own base room, while older children have use of the large dining area. Children make choices about their play and who they play with.

Group activities support children to cooperate, take turns, and to listen to the views of others. Children show a deep sense of value and respect for others. Clear rules and boundaries help children to behave well.

They understand that thei...r behaviour has consequences. Children talk about their friends and the staff kindly. They say that they feel safe at the club.

Staff know the children well. They respond positively to their needs and are good role models. Children are represented on a club council, where they have a voice and share their views about the club, what they like, or would want to change.

This helps children to look more closely at their knowledge of how a democracy works and realise that their views are of value.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is ambitious and committed to providing care that meets the needs of the children and community that they serve. They have a good oversight and governance of the club.

They support the staff team on new initiatives, such as raising funding for projects. For example, the creation of a new room for the younger children.A robust system for selection and recruitment is key to employing staff who are skilled and able to deliver a wide range of activities that meet the needs of the range of children attending.

A programme of training supports staff to understand their role and expectations, so they can provide the best care and education for the children. Staff are fully integrated as they work in both the school and the out-of-school club, where there is a shared ethos. Most policies and procedures mirror each other and provide a coordinated approach that children and staff know and understand.

Children are independent in their own personal care. Staff support children to follow a healthy lifestyle and keep themselves safe. Children's individual dietary requirements are adhered to, and a selection of nutritious snacks help children to learn about their own good health.

Children engage in role play with dentistry equipment. This teaches them about the importance of oral hygiene.Children are enthusiastic and want to learn at the club.

They are confident and have high levels of self-esteem. Children develop a love of literacy. They eagerly listen to stories, which they select from their favourite books.

They have good communication skills and know the narrative well. Children recall the next line in the book from their memory. They use props to assist in telling the story, and follow the actions, moving through the woods as they go on a bear hunt.

Children are excited by the story and staff skilfully allow time for them to contribute their thoughts.Children enjoy being creative through different activities. They show good skills as they use technology, such as the electronic whiteboard, to draw a volcano.

Children are enthused as they explain in great detail what they have drawn. They show high levels of understanding about the subject and what they know and have learned. Children choose to make their own advent calendars and/or Christmas tree.

That said, on occasion, children's creativity is not fully embraced as activities can lack challenge for more able children.Partnership with parents is a strength at the club. Parents comment on the high level of support they receive from the staff team, and how this helps them to manage their work and family lives.

Daily discussions keep them informed of their children's time and activities at the club. Parents of younger children have access to an online application that keeps them up to date with what their children have been doing.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The club operates from the school site which is safe and secure. Additional security means that staff can monitor visitors to the site when the school has closed for the day. All staff complete regular child protection training to keep their knowledge up to date.

They have a secure understanding of the signs that may indicate that a child is more vulnerable to risk of harm. Staff are aware of local issues that may impact on children they care for. They are familiar with the local procedures and how to report any concerns.

Also at this postcode
Holy Family Catholic Primary School

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