Honey Tots Day Nursery

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About Honey Tots Day Nursery

Name Honey Tots Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Redeem Christian Centre, 21-23 Stokes Croft, BRISTOL, BS1 3PY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement The new curriculum provides children with a balance of experiences and supports children's interests. However, there is inconsistency in some staff's understanding and implementation to enable children to make good progress in their learning. Younger children enjoy exploring the sand.

They reach and grasp tools, finding the best way to transport the sand. Staff interact well to help children share and take turns. Babies show curiosity by, for example, exploring the soil, making marks with twigs.

They learn to handle the potatoes with care and help to replant them. Staff provide good commentary to build children's understa...nding and to introduce new vocabulary.Older children enjoy their imaginative play, negotiating roles or playing alongside each other.

Children make good links between their home experiences. For example, they demonstrate how to iron a dress, using objects imaginatively, such as the toy monitor, to represent an iron. Children develop good small-muscle skills.

For example, older children follow instructions well to thread cotton reels onto the string. They consider the pattern they have made and count the reels confidently. Staff model counting to younger children so that they begin to hear the names of numbers.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and managers have made some progress since the previous inspection. Parents have noted increased staffing levels, a better array of resources and a more effective key-person system. However, despite working closely with early years professionals to improve the curriculum, this is not yet fully embedded.

For example, some staff are less confident to use the core book to focus children's learning and establish what children know and can do.Although children have fun exploring the paint in a focused activity, staff do not always consider the size of the group and the age range of children. Some children who are near to the member of staff receive some good interactions to bring their learning on.

They talk about their creations and explore colour and texture when making handprints. However, other children, particularly the youngest, are not engaged in meaningful learning that meets their needs. These children lose interest and wander away from the activity.

The learning environment is welcoming and provides a range of resources. However, staff do not always consider how best to use the space. Staff move children quickly between the different areas before they have finished their play.

For example, young children engage well in making discoveries about how the water flows down the guttering. However, after a short time, staff ask children to tidy away and move into the physical area. This interrupts children's explorations, and they are unable to continue their learning independently.

Children form strong bonds with caring staff. On arrival, staff spend time talking to parents and coax children into the nursery with cuddles and favourite activities, helping them to settle quickly. Staff gather useful information from parents as children start at the nursery, especially to support those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and those learning to speak English as an additional language.

Children learn hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before they eat. Staff follow effective practices when changing nappies. They constantly talk to the children to ensure that they feel safe and know what is happening next.

Staff supervise children as they eat. Children learn to make healthy choices and enjoy this social time. Children gain independence, making good attempts to serve themselves and spread the butter on their toast.

Staff are respectful and give children a five-minute warning before it is time to clear away. However, staff do not always encourage young children to be involved in this daily process so that they become familiar with behavioural expectations and daily routines.Staff use effective systems to ensure the premises are secure and that they keep children safe.

They help children to learn about safety. For example, staff remind young children not to climb on tables and to keep feet on the floor to avoid injuries to themselves.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date embed the new curriculum to ensure staff consistently deliver meaningful learning experiences to all children to help them make good progress.15/03/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: give children time to continue their play and engage fully in their learning without interruption provide encouragement to younger children so that they become involved in daily routines and understand behavioural expectations review the organisation of group activities to ensure children can engage fully in their learning.

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