Hoptune Ltd

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About Hoptune Ltd

Name Hoptune Ltd
Address Onslow Infant School, Powell Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7DD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Friendly staff greet children as they arrive at the club. Staff ask the children about their day, and value them as individuals. Children know this is a time when they can relax and socialise with their friends.

The welcoming atmosphere helps children to feel safe, and they have a sense of belonging. Staff effectively support the youngest children on arrival, which helps them to settle quickly. They give them a choice of what they would like to do and set up a range of activities with the children's help.

The staff know the children well and meet their needs effectively. Staff consider the children's opinions and thoughts ...when they plan a range of activities that are centred around their interests. For instance, children express a particular game that they would like to play while being at the club.

The staff incorporate this into the routine and sit and play the game with them. The staff explain the rules of the game to ensure all children understand the concept. Children are polite to each other, and staff encourage them to be patient as they wait for their turn.

This is an enjoyable time for them and the staff embrace the children's anticipation of the end result. Children are kind and considerate to each other. The staff recognise their achievements and generously praise them.

This makes children feel valued and promotes positive behaviour.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has good oversight of the club and the provision provided. This ensures the smooth running of the daily routine and the activities that take place.

The children enjoy the manager's company and go to her for support. The manager has systems in place to ensure those who work with children are suitable to do so. Staff receive a full induction, and they understand their roles and responsibilities.

The manager seeks to continually improve the club to ensure children feel safe and have positive experiences.Children are independent with hygiene routines. Staff praise children for covering their mouths when coughing and explain why this is important.

Children demonstrate a willingness to help. For instance, they help tidy activities away and sweep sequins off the floor using a dustpan and brush. Staff express their gratitude to the children for their help and support.

Children feel valued.Staff share positive interactions with children and give clear instructions. Children listen intently to what they say and demonstrate respect.

Children are given choice as they independently prepare a well-balanced and healthy snack. For example, children make their own sandwiches and choose between ham, cheese or jam. Staff support children by being present to guide them through this process.

They talk to the children about making healthy choices and encourage them to have some fruit and water. Staff monitor the children effectively as they eat and join in with their conversations during this social time.The staff manage children's behaviour well.

Staff talk to each other about the children that are present and share information. They give children clear rules and boundaries to follow. Children understand the expectations of their behaviour.

They are respectful and listen to what the staff say. For instance, children enjoy being outside and playing football together. They kick the ball back and forth to one another and have created a goal.

Children understand that when the ball goes around the corner, they must ask staff before they collect it. Staff praise them for following the rules that are in place to keep them safe.Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure the children are well supervised.

They conduct daily risk assessments, and help children to recognise how to keep themselves safe. For example, children are supported to use scissors safely and to understand why they cannot run up and down a steep hill. The fire evacuation process is practised with children to ensure they leave the building as calmly, quickly, and as safely as possible.

Children feel safe and secure in their environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Onslow Infant School

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