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Ofsted Inspections
Address Peterborough Spiritualist Church, Cambridge Avenue, Peterborough, PE1 2JA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Peterborough
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Children arrive confidently and demonstrate that they feel safe and secure at the nursery. Staff know children well and ensure the resources and equipment they make available reflect children's individual interests. This helps children to settle, make choices and play independently.

Although the provider and staff have worked with the local authority and improvements have been made, children do not yet receive consistently good-quality learning experiences. Staff know what they intend children to learn and have identified what children know and can do. They are starting to plan effectively to build on children's emerging interests....

However, the curriculum is not fully embedded. Sometimes, staff focus their interactions on individual children, which means other children are left to play alone, and their learning is not extended. Nevertheless, children are making some progress, particularly in communication and language.

Staff encourage children to do things for themselves, and this helps them to gain independence in managing their personal care in preparation for the move to school.Children behave well and listen to staff, who calmly explain and model how to share and take turns. Staff use a variety of strategies to help children learn about each other's rights to play.

Children are beginning to form peer friendships and seek each other out to play and explore together.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff meet regularly with the provider to discuss training needs and plans to support children's learning. However, the provider is not present when the nursery operates, and the acting manager is continuously working in ratio with children.

This means that oversight of staff practice, to provide staff with meaningful feedback and direction that helps them to improve on a day-to-day basis, is weak. Although staff continue to support each other, they still juggle nursery routines, which reduces the time and opportunity to provide children with good-quality learning experiences.The quality of teaching is variable.

Staff understand the curriculum. However, they sometimes ask too many questions in succession that test children's knowledge. They place appropriate focus to support children's communication and language development.

However, at times, teaching is over-directed because staff are focused on the intended learning outcome during activities. When children play outside with water, sand and toy vehicles, staff tend to direct play, and children have fewer opportunities to explore or speculate and test out their ideas. This narrows the curriculum for children and reduces opportunities to extend their learning more broadly.

Children enjoy playing outside. However, staff do not ensure that all the equipment is clean, to promote children's good health. Staff notice that some of the toy cars for water play are dirty and suggest that children can clean them.

However, only cold water is provided, which is not effective to ensure they are cleaned properly.The provider has a clear vision for the nursery: to provide good-quality early education to the community. He has worked closely with the local authority and staff to bring about improvements.

The provider has a realistic view of the progress they have made so far and demonstrates both plans and capacity to improve further.Staff say that they feel well supported by the provider to fulfil their roles and continue to make improvements. They are very hard-working and committed to providing children with meaningful learning experiences that help to prepare them for the move to school.

Staff act as good role models for children. They are polite, kind and patient. Staff provide children with a calm environment in which children are valued.

Children build good bonds with staff. They listen to staff and follow instructions.Staff talk to children as they play.

They introduce new words to support children's speech development and understanding, such as 'sticky', 'lumps' and 'dribbling' when the play with gloop. Staff introduce numbers and counting as children play, counting fingers when they make handprints in the gloop. Staff use children's home language effectively to support their understanding of English.

Parents are positive about the nursery and staff. They say that they feel well informed about their child's day and what they need to learn next through verbal daily exchanges and the new online app, which is used to share information securely.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date improve the arrangements for the supervision of staff so that they all benefit from meaningful coaching and support that improves practice and promotes the interests of children 04/06/2024 improve how the curriculum is delivered so that all children receive a challenging and enjoyable experience in all areas of learning that motivates and inspires them to learn.04/06/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make sure the outdoor resources children use are kept clean in order to promote children's good health.

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